Charlotte Grote

Wait, is this going to just be Where Are You, or Mystery Incorporated, or are we going for the whole Scooby Doo franchise here? Because if so GUYS I HAVE SO MANY OPINIONS ON THIS

My text-notification on my phone is still Lemongrab's "UNACCEPTABLE!" almost 2 years later.

We're just breaking your balls Manny, breaking your balls…

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus Oh, it was just a hypothetical, okay that's another thing. Guess that's what I get for not clicking the links. But even still, going on that, that wouldn't really make narrative sense. Like, okay, the episode ends and we get a smash cut to Walter frozen Nicholson style

Oh my god I FUCKING knew it! I knew somebody would have that stupid interpretation the moment we had a scene with Walt isolated. I'm surprised people weren't already throwing that theory around when he was at the cabin last week.

Oh I do hope that this show actually shows some male nudity, and not just for my own perverse needs, but because any show talking about sex needs to talk about sex in a way that's not just LOOK AT LIZZY CAPLAN'S TITS over and over.

I see a lot of potential for it, and I'm also just excited at the possibility of a cable drama not about dark men doing dark violent deeds, but I somewhat agree that it's a little too Mad Men-y at points. Now keep in mind that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mad Men to an unreasonable degree, but I think the show just needs a little

Okay two more things:

@avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus Walt says it himself "I did it all for me. I liked it. I was good at it." And here we are, at the end, and Walt gets everything he wants, with the only casualties being, well, everybody around him. The only thing that didn't happen how he wanted it to was Jesse killing

The moment I realized who they were I was in tears of laughter. Perfect ending to those characters: getting their money but still dumb as ever. "You ain't cooking anymore?" Hahaha Jesus…

See I was thinking about this. At the very top of the hour we have Walt getting in that car, looking for the keys, the police right outside, and Walt says "Please, give me this. I'll do the rest." Then the keys drop down and Walt is on his way.

Badger and Skinny Pete: Heroes For Hire

Robert De Niro Goes Hawaiian!

Read Gotham Central anyway, it's one of the best comic series of all time.

Has Tara Strong done a voice on this show? If not that's weird, girl's been in like everything.

Seriously, Hynden Walch doesn't get enough credit I think. She is so freaking fantastic as Princess Bubblegum! Possibly my favorite voice actor on the show, give or take a DiMaggio or Kenny.

Not Inglorious Basterds? "We'll be doing one thing and one thing only: killin' Nazis!"

He'll be able to buy every season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force with that money!

Oh, she won? Good for her! Wait, I mean urgh she's such a bitch browbeater who blah blah blah but really now, good for her!

"Sorry Charlie, the only rose you'll be getting…" *cocks shotgun* "…is the one I'm leaving on your casket."