Charlotte Grote

Well it was the most notable thing about the episode. When the final shot of Walter driving away in the van to a new life with a new identity, his world crumbling around him, who among us wasn't thinking "I bet I can make a breakfast joke out of this"?

You say that now but when the show is off the air for five years and somebody mentions a breakfast joke nostalgically a tear will come to your eye and a smile will cross the part of your face that isn't deformed. It's the "Omar's Coming!" effect.

I love the symmetry between him telling his first lie over the phone at the start of the episode to his final lie at the end. In the start his reassurance is a false face to trap Skylar into this lifestyle, and by the end his cruelty is just as false, but it liberates her.

Holly:Kidnapping::Walt Jr.:Breakfast

I don't usually read The Newsroom comments because I don't watch The Newsroom, but I assume it's mostly this comment over and over and over week to week, right?

Yeah but I'm going to watch them Saturday mornings.

Hahaha I just got that!

It figures that the one season they release is the same one I already own!

I love Foster's, and I wish they had more legal ways to get it other then a season one DVD and a very rare and expensive season 2 release. That's a show that deserves a Powerpuff Girls 10th Anniversary Edition-style box set!


Yay, Saturday Morning cartoons are back! I downloaded this off iTunes a while back and I gotta say I kinda loved it. Of course I'd probably follow McCracken and Faust off a cliff is they said so (seriously, seeing "Craig McCracken" in the credits of so many shows I loved when I was a kid made me realize that, oh yeah,

Hahaha, was that the insane Gallagher interview where he goes off about brown rounds or something? Jesus Christ that was funny.

We pay off the webmaster. I can get you to them, for 20% of the cut of course…

I really like this theory and it would be awesome if this happened except why would Jesse be willing to do this for Hank of all people?

@donnadb:disqus You know as well as I that VanDerWerff will only die at the heat death of the universe, and even then he's going to be a real bitch to take out.

I hope Breaking Bad has a stinger at the end of the entire series that's Huell still sitting in that room, months later, peeking out the window, before saying "Okay, five more minutes, but THEN I'm leaving!"


And they keep such good records!

Vince, baby, please, just let us have our joy of Walt being caught for 10 minutes. It's all I ask! You don't need to immediately undercut it with the likely death of one or more of our favorite characters.

Hehehe! Didn't even pull the string that time!