Charlotte Grote

Oh hey, this movie is awesome! Also awesome is McAbee's serial-film Stingray Sam! It has a song called Fredward and it's great.

Watch Stingray Sam and The American Astronaut, both are fantastic but Stingray Sam especially is really fun! It's on Netflix and is one of my favorite musicals in the past 10 years, which is faint praise but it's still good!

I'm with @avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus. I can have fun when I'm drunk or when I'm high, but when I do both I basically black out then wake up covered in popcorn.

There is a town in northwestern Rome,
With a papal seat to spare,
And in my mind I still need a pope to go
Fill Benedict's empty chair.

*Walt hands Jesse a cup*

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: `Two short and colorless paws of plastic
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose nose,
And red bow, and mouthless face of blank adorableness,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these

No!!!!! My favorite filmmaker can't just up and stop until I'm satisfied!

Things that kill people:
1) Virtually anything
2) Not guns

I didn't know Skylar had a life threatening disease too.

I love how he's the ultimate wrench in Walter's grand plan. Everybody else is trapped in a standstill by all their connections to the rest of the world. Hank can't move because he's too close and it could cost him his job. Skylar couldn't because she's a full on conspirator now and it could mean losing her kids. Jesse

Jesus Christ: "Woof. Marie, you're on your own here."

LET'S BURN THIS MOTHER DOWN! *flips the White's pool*

Yeah @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus, way to use a relevant reference from the episode that just aired as a way of expressing some of your thoughts from the episode that just aired! Get off your high horse, man!

@avclub-912b24a9ce5d432de1e518c3415a657c:disqus wins all DuckTales related jokes tonight.

Life is like a hurricane
Here in Albuquerque
Go-karts, RVs, 787 planes
It's some hard workey
Might make Mike missing
Or blow up Gus Fring
MethTales,woo hoo!

I'd think he'd prefer a blowjob. After all, he is a blowfish.

More like No Winner, Son.

We now know the basic premise: Saul Goodman has started a firm in Belize after a generous start-up grant from Walter.

The episode where he goes "I like Squidward" was apparently controversial enough for my local paper to write a piece on whether it was too gay or not, so hey!

In the book it's only the one time through, so basically it's just the last episode.