Charlotte Grote

I thought every week was Breaking Bad week! Should we have been saving our "I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS" jokes this whole time?

Oh the pain, the pain of it all!

I really don't have much else to say other then this was an amazing piece of writing.

The "you would" elevates this line from great to godlike.

I hate the word epic. But if they ever got a gigantic retrospective of Andrea Romano's work in both casting and voice direction I think that would be a worthy use of the term.

I was a bit later then the 80s but I remember reruns of The Littles were always very popular at 6 AM, a show I hated so much I'd do the unthinkable and see what was on PBS.

I remember the pain of going from Kidz WB's Saturday Morning lineup to old episodes of Beastmaster. What a whiplash! It physically hurt me.

"…with Europe first to embrace and forgive The Lone Ranger the way they did, say, Roman Polanski."

Oh, no.

There's no steering wheel, you just have to scroll using two fingers.

HAH! I saw The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die at a concert this spring in a shitty basement record store over in Ithaca, NY! They were good. Their warm up bands were awful. I stood close to their cute keyboardist. White kids were swaying back and forth through the entire performance. I

I'm starting to challenge Drew Carey's assertion that Cleveland rocks.

This year I'm living in my hometown with my parents and when our high school won our division's state championship in both football and soccer it was electrifying. It's a dying town, a place where all the factories closed and the population is split between comfortable middle-classers who commute an hour for work,

This is the best thing I've read all day.

Back in my small-town Catholic school my friend and I used to get hired out to do these skits for morning prayers, which were basically morning announcements except the entire school filed into the gym and we all said the Our Father first. So whenever a class was having a fundraiser or something they'd ask us to make

Ha ha! This is the first time I think anybody has called me earnest! I'm just saying my own opinions here, I could never bother trying to reach the greatness of the real Charlotte Grote.

Wow, lots of great comedy this week! Kumail is absolutely fantastic, and if you are into Twitter his account is a must follow. Totally agree on how great it is that he doesn't just rely on his ethnic background, but that he instead uses it as a springboard to talk about any and all topics. Brilliant brilliant stand-up!

Yeah, The Special Special Special is one of my favorite filmed stand-up sets I have ever seen. Having her parents be her only audience is absolutely brilliant and enhances the darkness of her material while still being hilarious. I love the Bamf. The Maria Bamford Show is about as life affirming as such things go. Don'

Oh she goes into it a bit. But her ongoing mental struggles are where the bulk of material comes from. Which, in my opinion, is far more brave to publically declare.