Thanks for reminding me to take my placenta pills. I just had a baby and had the placenta dehydrated. BECAUSE!
Thanks for reminding me to take my placenta pills. I just had a baby and had the placenta dehydrated. BECAUSE!
The acid reflux I currently suffer from makes spicy stuff unbearable, otherwise I'd pound down some vindaloo. But that comes up a lot! Gotta be some truth there.
Some kids just seem to have an overwhelming suck need. My kid f'ing loved his pacifier and was simply a mess w/out it. He gave it up without a fight on his third birthday. No issues with dental health, either.
So, I had really bad postpartum, which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Try not to expect an immediate bond. Your baby is a stranger, a completely new personality to meet. That shit takes time, and babies can't talk or joke or send you cat pictures. They cry (a lot, and I recommend ear plugs to take the edge off),…
Castor or cod-liver oil? Did she have incredible diarrhea? I'm considering the castor oil trick.
That's funny — I'm about a week overdue w/no labor in sight and have been given the go-ahead to wait. I'm kind of jealous of your induction.
Me, too, actually. And my scars itch like a bitch. But it is indeed humanizing. And Jackman's pretty active in talking about it, which is exemplary.
If it helps (?), he's had a bunch of recent skin-cancer scares.
My brother's girlfriend was, like, 17 at the time. I'm sure she just didn't know how to handle the situation. She didn't want to embarrass the wife.
I have heard the WORST stories from bookstore employees. From poop to porn. My brother's ex used to watch a local Mennonite leader shoplift porn a lot. She never confronted him, because she didn't want to embarrass his wife, who was always in the store with him a few aisles over.
Do you have a local feminist (or just good indie) bookstore? They'll likely have a reading group.
if you're in a 'hood where you plan to stay a while, see if there's a neighborhood or community organization you can join. Hopefully it won't be full of NIMBYs and you can meet some good peeps while getting involved in…
Former Gaucho here, too. Same feelings.
Hang out at the park in your neighborhood if you want to meet other local moms. Worked for me. Also, taking the kid to local park district classes, but not the fancy classes at the for-profit places. I'd also recommend some non-mom junk, whether that's ladies' nights at running stores, reading groups, all-gal dance…
If this is a late aft/evening wedding, don't hesitate with the black. But if it's a daytime wedding? The black's going to raise some eyebrows. And yes, I'd go with flats at a botanic garden, sure.
I was nearly a Jennifer. Friends, I am NO Jennifer. I have a (nearly) two sons. I nearly named them Civitas and Fraxinus. So, I'm not a great namer either.
Great, now I'm thinking of that shitty Don Henley duet with Stevie Nicks, who is an actual school bus full of coke, "Leather & Lace."
That's the tartan from the MacLabia clan of Scotland.
Here's a place where you can buy your own breastaurant uniforms! I don't know about you, but I refuse to carry a sizzlin' platter of fajitas while my midriff is exposed. Yikesville.…
Eh, more so than junior high kids? Really?
Good! You live in mostly a desert. I applaud your adherence to water restrictions. I'm a displaced Californian and still get that shit done in under five minutes, with a bucket to catch overspray for my landscape plants.