
No, agreed. They're both hot. They just look SO different from each other.

Had you fed him red velvet cake? Or beets. Because beets will totally do that.

I hate red velvet cake. Will you tell me?

My theory is that Hams is off his testosterone supplements or something. He's still handsome, but a lot slimmer in profile. But it could be styling. I jumped to pharma.

What's going on with Hamlin, btw? If you compare "Mad Men" Hamlin to "Veronica Mars" Hamlin, it's a completely different dude. I know it's been a decade but still. (Both are handsome, though.)

Who wouldn't sext Tim Riggins?

Oh, you worked at that place in Andersonville? I'm so happy this wasn't a story about the Creperie.

Totally legit advice. This is a weird format for this task, but since you're stuck it it, stick to brass tacks.

I think we all agree that your boss is acting like a giant turd. But you need to knock this off—putting your own health and well-being second to anybody's, even your own kid. If you're sick, slow down and get well. There's nothing worse than being sick as a dog for weeks on end taking care of a toddler because you

I really like your name for Chik-Fil-A. For years, I thought it was pronounced "chickfillah" but Bigot Chicken is tops.

We have a shitload of excellent craft breweries, and a few local distilleries. Happy imbibing. Come February, I'm convinced everybody is sloshed 24/7 anyhow.

How can you divorce a gay otter? That's probably the cutest kind of otter.

So do Chicagoans, really. Functionally, it is. I grew up in CA and no way is that place not really three different states.

I present for your analysis Paul Ryan.

Seriously? Diego Klattenhoff? That sounds like what a Cabbage Patch Kid would have been named.

I have a kid and a half, and I am LIVING for the day when I get to be the uncoolest mom ever, offering them bags of worm castings, homemade kombucha, and asking them to bring me their lint and hair for these bird-nest things I make. LIVING.

Where are Kal-teen bars and that foot-face creme? C'mon!

But so many people just HATE HC. And others enjoy fiascoes.

I think that's more the exception than the rule, but welcome to our fair city, in time!