
But owning as store doesn't make you a designer. They're more like stylists. In fact, wasn't that how she met Paris Hilton? Styling or thereabouts?

Oh, good grief, Ryan Lochte. Wow. Yeah, just, no. Thanks for the background on Vogue's man covers!

The Kardashian Kollection, her clothing brand, is available exclusively at Sears, and if that's what Vogue is after, I'd be shocked. I don't think Paris has a clothes line anymore. Both Hilton and the K's seem to license their name for products, rather than play a pivotal role in designing/developing them. Lauren

I'd give that argument a lot more credence if Kanye didn't seem so hellbent on being a part of the fashion establishment. Unlike Minaj, whose look seems so much more original, Kanye's fashion (to me, and again, not a fashion person) ideas seem pretty mainstream. He's certainly not the first hip-hop artist with a

That's a nice, succinct way of summing up why the F these people are on Vogue instead of Vanity Fair. The ha-ha factor totally trumps whatever value the racial and body-type diversity exists here.

I'm not a Vogue reader, but it also makes me think that whatever issue this is (April?) must be a historically poor seller?

To her credit, Mary I didn't have a "prego stick," like the one referenced in that crazy link from the OP. (Btw, I'm sure a prego stick is something covered in pasta sauce.)

You know what I love about Milwaukee? Its abundance of bad-ass vegan food.

Have you ever seen newscasters on Spanish-language networks? The women burn through the camera with unfettered sexiness.

Contrast any Telemundo lady with a female anchor from the Quad Cities or South Dakota, etc.

I think Coco Rocha's got a point with her diversity tweet. A point, maybe not a huge or great one. But a point worth stopping to consider.

Ugh. Seriously, Hollywood. If you don't want to depict Latinos, set your shows in, I don't know, Saskatchewan. Or Wales.

What gets me is when TV shows that are set in Los Angeles, or California in general, fail to have Latinos in major roles. I recently went on marathons of both Psych (set hilariously in Santa Barbara but shot in Canada) and Numb3rs (set in LA) and the only Latinos you ever see are the occasional gangbanger.

Seriously. I really wish that all women would simultaneously agree not to shave, wax, etc. Let that shit grow and save all that sweet Venus razor money for assorted awesomeness.

Because we all have to lean in! LEAN IN!

It's also not reasonable because surely this women must have been required to fill out some paperwork before she was cleared to take her maternity leave. She didn't know about this bullshit policy, likely because they didn't tell her or it was made up, but let's assume it was a standing policy. No way would HR at an

Part of the problem with pumping in public (restroom, car, or otherwise) is that pumping requires a bit of focus and relaxation to simulate the "let-down" reflex that normally would be created by the baby. Many women simply cannot pump if stressed out. Pumps are quiet, but not silent, and other gals coming into the

Why these special snowflakes don't go after this market is beyond me. You'd think PR or design schools would see this as a way to create a career for oneself in what appears to be a wildly competitive industry.

Good advice for anyone who is not a stock size, really, including you whiny petite people who always bitch about having long pants. At least you can hem long pants, gals. Try "imagining" three more inches of fabric when you're tall.

Really, anyone.

I can see the tarragon, maybe. But I reserve my curry for potato salad. Or, for this mock chicken salad I made with tofu or seitan. Cheese though? Really?

You know what's legitimately good in tuna salad? Shredded carrot. As far as egg salad goes, you can only put in mayo (or Vegenaise, which I prefer, oddly), cracked pepper, salt, and maybe fresh chives. Nothing else.

Like an L7 concert!

Are there typos in the original excerpts posted, or is these transcription errors? Almost seems like some words are missing. Also "seniro." Usually, I'm not a proofing snit, but these took me out of the story repeatedly.