
I’ve been experimenting with L-theanine for about a year now. When my brain isn’t at it’s best, but also isn’t so bad to need a clonazepam, that’s what I take to refocus my attention on what needs doing. I’ve been wary of the placebo effect, but I’ve been happy enough with these that I always keep some on hand. No

Haha yep! So famous that the tag can be found in other worlds than these ;)

Completely unrelated: Holy shit I love your handle. Just reading it put me in a time machine to my younger self and the shock I had at seeing what he looked like without a hat for the first time.

That’s one of the things I clean on the regular! Simply boiling vinegar and water 1:2 (maybe more dilute could do it - we have hard water) in it works wonders!

I never clean the oven because apparently I’ve never had anything spill over. Until these past two weekends, when I’ve had the oil from roasting garlic leak out, and a boiled over pot pie. Any tips on cleaning this up that don’t require me buying anything (Easy-Off smells terrible and I’m used to cleaning everything

This article may have changed my life - booze ball experiment #1 had amaretto, ground almonds and graham wafers, rolled in icing sugar. Highly recommended!

Did you have numb spots too? Every morning I woke up to a different section of my leg numb.

I just had my first dosa filled with veggies last week and now I can’t stop thinking about them.

Your question made me curious! What I learned was that beekeepers keep many many extra queens on hand for their royal jelly specifically, while leaving the normal reproducing queen to do her thing and maintain the health of the hive. According to the FAO it requires ‘skilled techniques of honeybee colony manipulation’

Two anesthesiologists had to jam that needle into my back about ten times each to get it to work. The first told me that the spaces between my discs was too small - missed with her last shot and completely numbed me from the waist down. Because that wears off more quickly than a proper epidural, a few hours later I

Have you also tried my grandmother’s favorite - Sex in a Pan? Also referred to as Robert Redford Squares in her church lady circles.

I was never so disappointed in a mascara in my life than I was with Diorshow. I’ve tried as many types as I can for many years, and so far Clinique’s High Impact Curling (bonus points for being the waterproof, peels-off type) Benefit’s RollerLash and Maybellines LashSensational (best drug store brand) are the winners.

When tragedy came to my husband and I, his parents brought us all the stuff to make various types of sandwiches. It was the most practical, perfect thing I could ask for <3

Or use it in homemade salad dressing!!

Explaining these sub-types to doctors who aren’t immunologists or endocrinologists is tough. It’s like they don’t want to believe there’s options other than type-1 or 2. Most of my life I was told I had borderline diabetes (not an actual thing), and in my 20s was actually sent to a proper specialist to find out I have

Is there any reason I can’t use fresh pasta sheets instead of par-cooked lasagna noodles for this?

We have a bomb calorimeter in my lab that we use most often to assess the calories in animal diets! It’s an older model that makes a fair bit of noise but I still get excited whenever I need to use it :)

No mention of the Rick and Morty comic books?!? I got a few of the volumes last year waiting for season 3. They fill the hole in my heart very well.

1) peeling eggs is always a pain in the ass 2) they smell worse than poached 3) maybe I’m just a lucky human that’s better at poached eggs than any other style other than omelette?

My interests certainly run geek, but I also have never seen the film (though I am aware of it and it’s influences). Sitting still through movies is hard enough for me, let alone dark slow ones. Can I just read the book instead? That’s what I did with Game of Thrones and am happy for that choice.