Charlie Loves Merlot

It includes guitar, but the solos of each Roxy Music member in the middle of "Re-Make/Re-Model." CPL 5938.

I re-watched the prison riot episode once I found out that Matt Ross played a Polish guard who (Spoilers for a 20-year-old-show) becomes the Star Trek Red Shirt of the hostages. It was weird hearing him talk with an East Coast accent.

The house party from "Valley Girl." Then-current New Wave songs blasting through the stereo, homemade sushi, and Elizabeth Daily in a red catsuit.

I hope he spouts some Chauncey Gardiner-like knowledge.

Never got into the third-wave "macho ska" bands of the late '90s, but Goldfinger's and Reel Big Fish's Duran Duran cover songs that they contributed to a tribute album are pretty good, with an equal balance of humor and respect towards the original artist, and pre-dates all the "Lounge version of…/Metal version of…"

That's Andrew Niccol.

While it wasn't exactly Beatlemania, the show did propel Depp to "It Guy" status for roughly three years, and made him an automatic A-lister by 1990, even though "Sleepy Hollow" was the only blockbuster of his from that decade.

I'm glad "High High" made the list, as it introduced my sixteen-year-old self to Rolling Stones deep cuts ("Monkey Man.") Also, a jazz club where high schoolers could drink that employed midgets as waiters!

Hermie was old-school pre-Williamsburg "alternative" right up until the very end - died in a flannel shirt + Husker Du tee while watching "The Equalizer" (possibly on VHS ?) RIP.

I dunno, I would classify him more as an also-ran d*ckhead. "That '70s Show" was a significant hit back in the day and had a healthy second life in pre-streaming media syndication.

I mentioned this in a previous Kevin Smith-related aricle - as of late, he seems to be more at ease as an "icon-for-hire", being a talking head on CNN's History of Comedy mini-series and as a special correspondent for IMDb's Live at Sundance/Comic-Con video clips. I guess he's reached the Peter Bogdanovich/Paul

The Monkees?

Slightly off-topic, but what's the consensus on Kevin Smith's recent hosting duties for IMDb's video segments from Sundance, the San Diego Comic-Con, etc.? Appropriate forum for his skills, or the cinematic equivalent of Jamie Farr on "Hollywood Squares", circa 1989?

Intriguing idea for a podcast, but I already have a bunch of Mental Illness Happy Hours in my queue, and don't need the additional aural depression.

Was going to mention the two Ed Burns in the entertainment industry, but after some basic Wikipedia research, it appears there's a whole bunch of famous people with the full Ed/Edward Burns moniker, not including the homonymic Edd "Kookie" Byrnes,

I remember the last panel of that movie satire: "She's left us! We can now act like ordinary people!"

Best straight man of the cringe-comedy era.

What, no "Tonight I'm Yours" by Rod Stewart? There's no way he was just trend-hopping.

SCTV's "Midnight Express Special" is all kinds of bonkers, and Levy & Rosato kill as Abbott & Costello: