Charlie Loves Merlot

The end credits of "Ghostbusters"('84) always sticks with me, with the gang packing up their vehicle and leaving, police providing crowd control and closing off the damaged areas, and the religious fanatics chanting in a low-key manner.

It worked for Andrew Dice Clay. Oh, wait…

Back when Portland's biggest exports were Nu Shooz and a semi-retired Rowdy Roddy Piper, it was not uncommon to see John Callahan wheeling around town.

That's what I thought, too. Seeing as the show in question was in Vancouver BC (basically an extended local gig for Soundgarden), I'm sure Kim Thayil and company wanted to get out before border crossing traffic got ugly.

Kiss that annual job of inducting bands into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame goodbye, Robert.

I was late to the party on LCD Soundsystem - I wish I could have heard "Dance Yrself Clean" for the first time via what counts for a radio station circa 2010 instead of via a YouTube video featuring a Kermit the Frog puppet lip-syncing to the song.

I had a memorable Happy Hour conversation with a co-worker and fellow married Coen Brothers fan about Mrs. Samsky. That's all.

Favorite "Separated at Birth" thread. I'll start: Michael Eisner and Andre the Giant.

They were before my time, but "Duchess" by the Stranglers. Something about Hugh's "normal" singing inflections on that one.

How would the gallants of the Internet deal with this situation? Create statistical memes that show how to prevent future incidents like this?

"Dear Andy Kaufman - I Hate Your Guts!" is the inter-gender wrestling-oriented hate mail book. It's a great chronicle of how people vented their anger (and in a couple of creepy cases, admiration) towards a celebrity in the pre-Internet world.

3:13:06 - TUSK!
…that's all.

Yep. Midway through. Sand between his toes, white stuff on his nose…

Dean Karr's Wikipedia page reads like a slick press release/artist's statement.

Adam Sandler's cameo in "Dirty Work." If he had only applied the same combination of absurdist humor and Method acting to his future comedy/dramatic roles…

Great "SNL" female utility player who just couldn't make the leap into higher-profile projects. I loved her on Season 8 of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" as LD's NYC girlfriend (especially the "Mister Softee" episode…)

Yep. This. If I remember correctly, Farley and Spade were filming "Tommy Boy" and appearing on this season of "SNL" at the same time (same thing with Sandler and "Billy Madison.") Myers was probably plotting his next moves in his dressing room after the diminishing returns of "Axe Murderer" and "Wayne's World 2".

There was notable applause at the beginning of the sketch. I could be too optimistic here, but I always thought the complete silence was b/c the audience knew they were in a "presence of geniuses" moment and hushed up out of respect.

The guy in the hat at the beginning of the video - that's Tres Shannon, right? Former co-owner of the X-Ray Cafe who is now raking in the big bucks(?) as owner of Voodoo Doughnut.

You're 100% right. According to Sharon Waxman's book on '90s auteur directors, Norton did "The Italian Job" to fulfill a contractual obligation after being loaned out to 20th Century Fox to do "Fight Club".