
To capitalize on the Indians’ success, the Browns launch their own Native American mascot, Gpodawund.

Get enough of both males and females to start a viable ranch. I don’t want to be a nerf herder for the rest of my life.

only a pending disaster that is way too fucking close for comfort with now too many goddamn fucking lunatic wildcards involved with major influence.

If you are concerned, Facebook will sell your data to Trump.

Can someone explain to me how one can be “neither concerned nor unconcerned”? If you don’t care or have no opinion then that is the definition of unconcerned. Is that option in there just to find idiots?

If it’s for the FBI to decide, and the FBI wasn’t given the opportunity to decide in its initial investigation, then someone didn’t fully co-operate...

Problems may arise not with classified information, but communication between Hilary and Huma. She testified that she was unaware of the law and whether or not there was classified material on the email server. What if emails between the two indicate that her testimony may not be entirely true?

Well that’s kind of for the FBI to decide isn’t it? Because there is no separate non-work email account and both persons were employed by the federal government, so both their communications would be subject to FOIA requests.

LOL. If he wanted to hurt Clinton he would have done it months ago. Instead he went out of his way to help her. Fuck, you guys are fucking crazy.

someone who obviously never read the emails or anything on the subject.

Dammit Drew, has anyone at GQ ever met you in-person? If so, we need to discuss a serious overhaul of the HR vetting process.

Hey, at least his shirt game is seriously improved.

You had me until the “Pulls toxins” bullshit. There’s absolutely zero clinical research to back that up. You may as well have told everyone that hammering a roll of quarters up your ass will make you rich.

Screw them from trying to keep us apart from tasty chalupas. On a side note, I’m pretty sure the VFW’s willing to take anybody who has a thousand yard stare and the dues to pay.

Gawd I’m indifferent on the issue, but I just laughed my ass off for a solid minute.

Not all of the protesters have been peacful. They are on private property hence the trespass charges.

Just as a friendly reminder that “This woman in the picture? There are some nudes out there of her. But you definitely shouldn’t go looking for them, no sir, not at all. “

He should have just posted a sex video. I mean, apparently that’s having journalistic integrity. Posting naked pictures just means you’re a perv and should go to jail. Posting a celebrity sex vid means you are fighting for American values and should be allowed to make millions in profit. Amirite Gawkers?

He’s probably got enough in the spank bank to get through his sentence.

Pulls toxins from the body?