
I might have confused them with the toxic twins Steven Tyler & Joe Perry ;)

Well, I’m no Trump fan (really, I’m not), but you better believe if I could get away with not paying ‘millions’ in taxes I sure as hell would do that every time.

Well she’s ALSO a murderer, as well.

Yeah, AJ was an asshole of the highest order.

A.J. Daulerio? Yes, absolutely a douche.

Wolverine and Deadpool are violent characters sure, but they aren’t overly sexualized, dysfunctional poster boys for Stockholm syndrome either.

The bigger the image shows up on here, the bigger your hands appear. It just makes the costume even better!

My point is that it was the New York equivalent of the West Coast until Silicon Valley. New York, while always rich, was objectively a shithole until the mid-90s.

“If San Francisco is an example of money poisoning a nice place to live, Palo Alto is an example of money putting a place you never would have wanted to live anyhow completely out of your reach.”

Yeah I’m the first person to defend victims of police misconduct but this was pretty basic SOP.

PIX11: “ When police from the 112 precinct arrived, they put both the suspect and Morancy in handcuffs until, Morancy says, they figured out who was the perp and who was the hero.” Really, Rachel, this is standard procedure. How are the cops supposed to know what is what right away? They sorted it out, arrested

I promise to stand up to assault. But I’ll be cold in my grave before I let anyone refer to me as a rapper/activist.

When comparing a multinational corporation with 1 CEO and 1 board of directors with thousands of locally regulated and independently owned cab companies

The mere fact that either side can twist the facts and numbers to their advantage does not relieve one of their obligation to back up their claims when asked.

Well, you can start with the fact that physics teaches us that the microwave photons in wifi are less powerful than the infrared photons emitted by your cat. Physics also teaches us that the photons of radiation emitted by wifi cannot ionize atoms in DNA molecules, the only way that we know that cancer can be caused

The problem with that question is that you’re comparing a billion dollar, multinational corporation, to thousands of small businesses in the US alone. Does their company have more driver->passenger crime? Absolutely, but they also have (potentially millions) of more drivers. Per capita? Are we just comparing the last

and contrary to you, I like to be informed

Is there any empirical evidence to back up the claim that crime is more prevalent among Uber drivers than cab drivers?

You think taxis are much better?