
Surprise! Other cultures have differing beliefs about intelligence and the “worth” of life.
Where as most Judeo-Christians agree with the idea that intelligence should be a marker of more “worthy” life, there are plenty of Buddhit parables where buddhist saints chastises people for (for example) assuming a fly is

Wild meat generally tastes a lot better than farmed as well. Most people in the US only have ever eaten farmed animals though, and it can taste very different though, so there can be a bit of an adjustment period.

The ban on Minke whale hunting is about racism and cultural imperialism, not conservation.

Not sure what junior high school you went to - when is anyone required to like anyone?

There are probably more duck hunters than there are people on those ships. And with so many hunters regulating them is harder so it is easier for them to kill birds without a stamp. Being industrialized actually makes it easier to ensure that they stay within limits (if such limits are established in the future).

As always your choice of whom to support is arbitrary to biased. Everything good this site does is nullified by posts como asi

Great. Good to know Jez isn’t bothering to weed out the hacks. Thanks for your continued enlightened commentary. Please, regal us with another desperate attempt at a Trump zinger.

The US allows whale hunting as well, you know. Go look up the traditional hunts that still go on in Alaska.

Too insensitive? Maybe.

Correction, he wants us to diplomatically bomb japan because whales.

I did three years of whale research for NOAA. Along with pinniped and bird population studies. For one, we allow Native Americans to slaughter, not only non-endangered Minke whales, but grays and humpbacks as well. The biggest contributor to their demise and poor recovery is not hunting, which is a bit dated on the

Can I get really drunk and gamble at the casino, or is that appropriating?

Sure, from all the kids on the playground you’ve gotta pick on the one that eats the goldfish from the pond.

I can’t get worked up over the Japanese harvesting whales that have a conservation status as “least concern.”

70% of teachers are white women while over 50% of teachers are black or brown kids? Well I hope you teach math, fine sir.

Found in 60 seconds

No no. We call them DREAMers now

9th District court is most overturned Federal Court of Appeals, and now you see why.

You missed the point of the litigation. The question of whether a species can be listed solely due to climate change projections was answered years ago with the polar bear listing. The issue in this matter, was that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) failed to due the bare minimum from a scientific

When smart guys brought in scabs Geno Smith tore his ACL