
Well Mormons believe in a lot of fake shit, so. . . .

The enforcement of the rule feels entirely arbitrary.

Have you hit anyone recently?

A Biden-in-Corvette motorcade would be the best kind of motorcade to have ruin your day.

Since I know this will be brought up and connected to the ratings decline, let me be clear on something right now:

You are Nothing [sic] More[sic] than an Entertainer[sic] Just Shut[sic] and do what we say. You have No [sic] rights as along[sic] as you are working for me.. there are other places for you to fight and stand for what you believe.

Just a journalistic question for you, Patrick, Terricka’s comments were [sic] full yet you did not add a single [sic].

Antonio Cromartie is most concerned about the homeless children, because there is such a high probability that they are his.

You would take knee to protest a nation that made you pay child support on all 15 kids you had too

Packers running back Eddie Lacy’s weight is under constant scrutiny by both his coaches and the media, and head

Now playing

Likeable, maybe, but he’s far from universally respected, he’s said a lot of dumb shit, and he’s kinda creepy. I genuinely like Obama and think he really does/did want the best for the country even if I don’t always think his vision was the right one, but as far as Biden (and Hillary Clinton) go, you don’t spend that

Delete your account.

So if you want to play the game of labeling people whom you don’t know, and whom are arguably on the SAME side of the political fence that you are, how about this: You are under 25 years old, attended a liberal arts school, believe in “Trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” and if someone doesn’t agree with your ideals

Dude, really? You’re coming off like a damned caricature.

Is it? It is certainly outlandish and wrong headed, but who is being inspired to action? Which women have lost their right to vote in the US?

“There are many reasons a person might support Trump that do not involve racism, sexism, xenophobia or accepting sexual assault. It may be because they believe strongly in smaller government, a different tax policy, healthcare system, religious issues, gun rights or any other issue where he disagrees with Hillary.”

And you’re a white, uncomfortable poly sci major who makes minimum wage with roughly 6 figures of college debt you have no intention of repaying. We both know I’ve got you nailed as well.

That is not correct. You’ve only correctly guessed at one of those! You should not work in a carnival. Either way, I am voting for Hillary, but am diametrically opposed to political purity test for those working in the private or public sector. The only time they would be relevant is for people working in campaigns,

Agreed. If opposing viewpoints are scary to someone, either they are not nearly as sure in their ideology as they want you to believe or they are genuinely against the idea of learning more.