
Also a noun. At least websters says so.

Exactly. Credibility of both sides plays as a very important factor in situations such as these when the timeline is aged and there isn’t much evidence beyond testimony.

Well, Rose’s attorney’s obligation is to cast doubt on the plaintiff’s story, so it’s not surprising that he’s not interrogating whether his client is dependable and honest. And the burden of proof is on the plaintiff, so they are meant to push back on the evidence she offers.

Doe argued that the texts she sent to Rose that night were out of character for her and therefore suggest that she was drunk “out of her mind” and unable to consent. It’s fair game for Doe’s attorneys to seek to rebut that by pointing to other text messages where she says similar things.

I guess the statement was for the woman in the video. I forgot that I wasn’t on Jezebel.

Well unless he thinks he should go physically force him to stand up during the anthem, it isn’t that relevant what he thinks.

The way she talked about the money and what she could with it is a dead give away. I was a counselor in college through a program the school offered and I have to say that reaction is very A-typical for rape victims.

Yeah. Maybe something did happen, but when you try to present yourself as borderline virginal and it turns out you’re kind of a groupie...well that’s going to hurt your case.

My favorite part is, “See? This is where we go! He called me the B word! You called me...[inaudible]”

Busting in poker would be pretty impressive.

It took 30 years of working at Burger King for you to feel ashamed?

Haha! Committing a crime because you disagree with someone’s politics! Haha!

Ya know, everyone loved the naked Trump statue with the tiny pecker. I get that women are marginalized more than men, especially based on appearance, but these things have to go both ways, right? It’s either all okay or none of it is okay.

Regardless of political affiliation, that statue is good. Leave the statue alone.

Remember how that Trump statue was taken down by rabid sycophants? Yeah me neither

Ya, fuck that whole innocent until proven guilty thing, ammirite?

I would rather hope that nobody was raped but ok

Was it the good eye or the bad one?

Have you been to Banks’ wikipedia page?

Rose seems like a shady sleezy fellow who *may also have participated in a gang rape. I wonder why the NBA would delay doing or saying anything?