
Serious question: Did we watch the same video? The video Samer posted was of a dude tackling a kickboxing dummy wearing an afro wig and a Kaep jersey. No stabbing or tied up dummy.

I don’t think you know what a beer belly is.

Sexual asphalt

Don’t mind the 1L

Man, this post will never get the recognition it deserves. Brilliant. Holy shit. YOU BLEW MY MIND.

His hot (MUCH younger) wife?

Yess good idea to hate men. Should hate Muslims too then right? Any Muslim country tops any fraternity when it comes to how they treat women. (no you shouldnt hate Muslims)

Don’t worry, this sounds fake. not to the underage drinking and hazing, but rape as an initiation.

No, it’s hyperbole. Bernie was more qualified to be president than she is, both Roosevelts, Johnson, Carter, Nixon...not Reagan anyhow.

Thank you so much for that, I love the taste of vomit in my mouth .

It’s like every beehive they see, they gotta find a stick and poke it, and then they whine and cry and scream and bitch and moan about their bee stings for years afterward.

Aw man let poor Ken be. He doesn’t deserve this. It’s all fun and games till Thiel comes after your ass on bone’s behalf. And then you know what happens? No rice cooker

She’s actually shown herself to be one of the least qualified people with her handling of a number of issues, as both a senator and Secretary if state. She just seems to get a pass because, well...Trump. If that’s the only reason people can think of, we are truly screwed. She’s shown her ability to not say stupid

Your comment is balanced, fair and accurate. The commentariat here is looking for ‘RICH PEOPLE BADDD DURRRR, U GOTS $$ U GOTS TO GIVE TO POOR JUST CUZZ DURRRRRRR’. So don’t expect stars or support. Don’t let it get you down though. Be happy you will compete with people like this for things like jobs and romantic

You mean, “Who are Jabronis?”, I believe.

Ah, so just as thought, you have no idea what you are talking about. Thanks for clearing that up.

Perhaps you'd be happier in some other country, rather than trying to 'fundamentally change' this one into something it's never been nor was ever supposed to be. Europe is a lovely place (mostly), and they're not burdened with our silly Constitution.

Constitutions, Ranked

Because from a Deadspin (liberal media) POV, the first amendment also allows religious zealots and people who generally disagree with them and what not an equal voice in this country.