
You seem to not get the issue at hand. It isn’t that concerned or unconcerned are the worries. It is that the neutral question means the same as unconcerned.

Obviously, the thing looks like a ransom note. Some cursive, some caps, no scheme followed. It looks like shit. They don’t even have anyone getting scalped! Or are you talking about the message of the sign?

For that to be an accurate analogy, the school would have to be called the Hebrews, but not have any Jews in it.

I believe they towed it somewhere and craned it up.

This app relies on a police scanner to function. Someone has already called the authorities.

Yeah, if I’m neutral to the idea of president Trump, then by the very definition of unconcerned, I am unconcerned.

“With Anthony FUCKING Weiner providing the impetus to undermine our entire system of government???”

“The emails were not from Hillary, not from her server, not from her investigation.”

Yeah, but wouldn’t the professional chef at the restaurant sporting period correct fare also use it?

I may have gotten high when I woke up this morning, but we fought multiple battles in modern day Mexico during the Mexican American War. Why aren’t they included as VFW vets?

“What the pilot wants to do here, is wait till the last possible minute and rip out the landing. Late state landings being ripped off the tarmac and Hillary wants that, bigly.”

Yeah, because all they eat is endangered animals.

Look at a map. It doesn’t touch their current tribal land.

Why? I bet he is a hero to anyone with a smuggled smart phone.

Nah, I always wear protection!

The trial the meme is referencing.

They may very well have done nothing incriminating, but it is equally true they could have done very incriminating shit. Her handling of it during every step of the process including storing it with her lawyer (instead of a secure site) after the discovery only bolster the lack of transparency. I’m voting for her

Yeah, but Just for Men goes on in five minutes and costs 10 bucks.

Clinton Staffer supports medieval torture!

When even Jezebel calls the rape trial fishy, you really have to think about it before turning it into a meme.