
It’s a stupid rule not because intent, but because the tackler can’t control hot the tacklee moves and gets called when the tacklee lowers his head.

“He added that the league never submitted a formal public records request clearly from the NFL,” 

They should Suh him!

Nah, they’ll just off themselves so they don’t have to see the end of the Browns season.

I wish he could drive. His motorcade fucks up my commute on a regular basis

If he was poor, she would never have known him.

The statistics you reference (that don’t actually link to a source, just say FBI) are the statistics for the general population in criminal cases. I’d imagine that civil cases involving rich people don’t follow that same trend.

I think some are self tanner and grease while others are just grease.

Seriously, there are dicks of all colors and sizes at your fingertips...well images of them at least.

Interesting, because I understood you to be the kind of person who derails legitimate debate with correcting people (incorrectly). It’s nice when your assumptions are confirmed. Females and women are synonyms. Neither take away from their personhood or humanity. They are real women, I just don’t find their opinions

Hard pass. It’s a reddit thread where they reference Jezebel as a source. Offending a specific set of feminists who live to be offended is fun for everyone. They get to be angry, I get to troll. This isn’t a take from your average woman. This is a take from a vocal minority of people who like to change the definition

Why wouldn’t people pass down the running of a family business?

Why do you hate family owned businesses?

That’s black jack.

Also a noun. At least websters says so.

The plaintiff’s attorney already had the ability to make Rose look dishonest. It’s been covered in this series of articles. I’m unsure if he has been successful. The plaintiff’s role is to prove their case and the defendants role is to disprove the plaintiff’s case.

Except we don’t know any of the circumstances to be true or false other than sex was had.

How else would you try a case where the facts are in dispute and either one party or both parties are lying?

What do you mean? Most politicians have political science degrees.

How does one bust in poker?