
The original and fantastic Defamer lured me in many, many years ago and I have stayed through now, most of that time lurking and not commenting. For the last few years, I have come here out of absolute habit and being drawn here solely for the commenting community. The glory days and the fabulous writers seem like a


He gets to (a) put out an ugly comment on something which makes him look favorable to his supporters, (b) issue the correction which he is forced to do (by the liberals), (c) cry to his supporters that the world is a cesspool and he will make it all better if elected. Rinse and repeat.

All of these sound vile. When I was in England several years ago, I tried a bag of roast chicken flavor chips. They were amazing and I still think about them. I wish they were easier to find here.

Ken Burns’ documentary, Prohibition, had an interesting section about the women who organized the temperance movements and how that bled into the suffragette movement.

Lena Dunham has gained attention, she’s getting access to designer clothes but definitely does not know how to dress for her body. This is where she would benefit from a great stylist.

So she is now willing to call out Bill Cosby, prove things and provide backup for the victims only because the charges cannot be taken into court? She's still fucked up.

Is this why the French tabloids published the nude photos of her a few years ago? Did they stumble onto the plot and try to poison people against their future king and queen?

I’m about halfway through the book The Plantaganets, when Edward I just crushed the Welsh, was expelling the Jewish population from England and taking over the Scottish crown (@ 1290). It’s a great book. I will be sure to look for any historical cues that supports the takeover theory.

I’m glad they make the contestants answer questions like that. It just reinforces that the event is merely women being judged on their looks. I think they should expand that portion to answer more diverse questions, such as chemistry or math equasions, just to make the situation even more ridiculous.

Paraphrasing a line in the article linked below, Donald Trump is hitting all the erogenous zones of the GOP electorate with his comments. He is this election cycle’s Sarah Palin - he is telling the “real Americans” what no one else will.

Pepsi is a garbage drink. Coke Life (green label) forever. It has cane sugar and stevia. It's sweet, but not cloyingly so.

Holy Tom & Lorenzo, everything about that photo is so spectacularly unflattering to Kim Kardashian.

Students for Liberty on why a cat should be president:

Gay couples should only go to her and request licenses. Every time she refuses, boom - flood the state with lawsuits.

Does Oregon’s Catholic Conference also want condoms to not be available without a prescription? So that no sexual activity is encouraged.

Thank you Judge Robreno.

They have dressed George in something that closely resembles what William wore when he was little.

Cat videos are a great mental health recharger. I definitely watch more of them within the last few years. I spend a lot of time on the internet and when I feel myself getting edgy from bad news overload, cat videos here I come.

Scott Disick article from the Daily Mail. It says he used to date the woman he is getting handsy with and she is a stylist from Malibu.