SUV works just fine, Torch. Quit overthinking it.
SUV works just fine, Torch. Quit overthinking it.
I was worried we weren't going to talk about the van silhouette. Thank you!
Uh, I dont know what you've been playing but it sure does.
Whew. I'm not the only one.
Exactly! Man, I bought it on release a week after I finished Ender’s Game. With headphones on, I got lost for hours every night.
This is the first mobile game I'm genuinely excited for, but the skeptic in me is being skeptical. Damn you, skepticism!
I'm no branding genius but I still believe calling it "Autopilot" was a bad idea.
“Celebrity Plays Video Games”. - Kotaku, 2020
Edmund’s and KBB plant this truck firmly at $16k. Someone is smoking something from his CP.
Me too. And apparently I dont have healthcare now so...
An electric VFR800? Sold.
They currently sit at the US Army Transportation museum at Fort Eustis. Sorry, Joint Base Langley Eustis.
Nah, they're exactly where they need to be. Sincerely, Biased S1000RR Owner
Every one of Brad’s articles should start with the line “Hi, I’m Bradley Brownell and this is Jackass.”
Where does it say he doesn’t enjoy it? You’re forcing a narrative that people beyond traditional retirement age only work because they must and not because they choose to.
Thank you! I wish I could give that comment more than one star!
No. It's because all of the market research shows that it would sell very, very, very, very poorly.
I've worked in this environment for 22 years now. This movie is just as accurate today as it was on my first day.
A friend introduced me to Scott Manley while I still worked at ULA and not only does he have some great Eve content, he has an excellent Kerbal series. The man is a wealth of knowledge regarding actual spaceflight, as well. I could listen to him read a phone book.
Eloquently put, and I agree completely. With that being said I'm still very much looking forward to being a C8 owner.