Moist Von Lipwig

Yeah, you definitely have a point. But it’s still a Fiero. I had a 91 Prelude with 4 wheel steering, 5 spd, and fewer miles - arguably a more collectible car - and it’s value didn’t come anywhere near what this car is listed as.

While I agree with the sentiment, you’re comparison is a little skewed. I can’t think of a single context where comparing anything between these two cars makes logical sense. It’s metaphorical apples and oranges.

There was, just my opinion, a better one of NPOCP back in 2014. Auto is a turn off, but it went for significantly less.

Yeah, you definitely have a valid point. It just seems so... I’m not sure how to put it. Poorly thought out and executed?

I don’t know. At this point I wish I could buy you a beer and talk more. I want to find out if this assholishness is genetic or if you actually put forth genuine effort. Does it come natural? Are you taking a pill from China that improves the asshole stamina? Have you ever gotten a ribbon or trophy for it?

You sound like someone speaking from experience.

Really? You’re going to just keep playing that “Asshole” card over and over, huh? Well, enjoy your echo chamber. Have a great morning!

I give you ALL of the stars. Yes.

It’s obvious we’re not going to get anywhere here. I wasn’t trying to lead in with an insult, just making an observation. What’s say we just both take the moral high ground and stop replying to each other?

Nail, meet hammer. I agree whole-heartedly. This also strikes me as marginally unprofessional.

I’ve been let down by Cadillac so many times over the past two decades I’ve lost count. These statements remind me of that one friend who prefaced every remark with “Let me be honest” but seldom actually is

Great job resorting to an insult. So you’re just another vapid and one-dimensional asshole running a burner account dropping turds in a river of shit. Congratulations on accomplishing mediocrity. Mom and Dad must be proud. Do everyone a favor and uninstall your browser.

It really is a race to the bottom, at this point. It bothers me personally because this is the first year my Son has taken a genuine interest in the voting / election process.

You didn’t make a point. You made a joke.

That the initial attempt at humor (e.g. Trump supporters masturbating to their idol) is no different from the circle-jerk that is this entire comments section.

I’m no Trump supporter... nor Hillary. But after scrolling through all of these remarks then seeing yours...

Good catch! Damn, I missed that.

After 8 years in the Army and multiple deployments, I have absolutely zero sympathy.

I didn’t have to look very hard to find a similar deal and OMG PHOTO OF FACTORY TOOLKIT.

Jesus... somebody went a little nuts when they tightened up the graphics on level 3.