Negative, ghostrider. Jamoke is just another word for clutz.
Negative, ghostrider. Jamoke is just another word for clutz.
This is the great comment I’ve ever read in any comments section. Thank you for that. It was needed this morning.
I’m with you here. The perfect project car conundrum. I’m seeing what I could turn it into and I want it; I’m not seeing it for what it is right now and the amount of effort and capital it’s going to take.
Oh, I see. Isn’t that how Little Big Planet worked as well? If that’s the case, then this just seems like another Disney-Scorched-Earth approach.
Likely so that can reallocate the personnel supporting it to other efforts. By shutting down online purchasing entirely, they’ll see a noticeable drop in customer support as well. Payment processing, inquiries, refunds; none of that will be an issue any more. I understand your point of view though.
Right there with you, my friend. Sadly I only get to see a few races a year at VIR with my Dad and this year isn’t looking particularly good, schedule wise. Cancer is a bitch.
I like you, Stef.
The entire “Believe” campaign struck a chord with me. I’m sure being a combat vet, Father, Husband, and being barely old enough to drink had something to do with that.
I think this is my new favorite picture.
I get what he’s saying.
Failure to stop at a stop sign is the very definition of negligence though, right?
Not entirely true, you’re thinking of a capital investment. Product investment has been around for nearly as long (think J.P. Morgan & Edison) in which your money is leveraged to help a particular product or process succeed. Kickstarter only simplified the process and made it accessible. But if the development effort…
I had a photo somewhere of a CH-53 doing the same...
I think this has potential to be one of those “Stupid Projects”. You know the type? You have nothing else truly constructive to accomplish in the near future but you want to keep yourself busy?
Patrick, I agree whole heartedly with everything you’ve just posted. I’ve followed Jalopnik for nearly as long as it has existed by name. The past few years have been an amazing ride and I’m looking forward to wherever it goes. Jalop to the end, and then farther.
I’m with you. I didn’t particularly care for that aesthetic but $19k OTD new meant I could easily ignore it.
Yeah, the geometry on the front of the car is a real PITA at bath time, too.
I’m not sure what it was designed for, but what it DOES do is make the wind noise unbearable when driving freeway speeds with the windows open.