Moist Von Lipwig

This is the greatest comment I’ve read all morning.

More like “a game developer known for making poor design choices made a poor design choice and now everyone is really really mad."

I’m voting NP simply because I want it and I can afford it.

After the 2014 Corvette reveal, the only concept/render reveals I will ever place faith in will be Jalopnik’s.

“fucking frustrating is that they are now “hotfixing” named enemies in mission runs to only drop 1 high end item per run” so you obviously have some problem with it or you wouldn’t have started this inane comment thread with such a vapid remark.

This is just proof that we need more tank control laws.

Aren’t lawsuits like this occasionally required in accordance with life insurance terms and conditions? I imagined this was similar to that aunt in KY (I think) who was required to take her nephew to court before her health insurance would release funds to pay for her broken wrist.

Budget. Reliability. Performance. You may choose 2.

Which reveals that you married the wrong woman.

“10 Things that Grocery Chain, Wegmans, Doesn’t Do That Make It Awesome.”

Not enjoying the car however you choose to is like not sleeping with your wife because someone else could do it more-correctly.

I especially love how “The Typical White Guy” is about to gut Gawker Media after they lose their appeal.

I feel your pain, Torch! I hate washing my car for no other reason than for all the geometry up front.

I felt the same way and then I just related this game to my fun times with Borderlands... it didn’t bug me so much after that. Enemies are bullet sponges and that makes it tedious, but my Son LOVES to play this and RP full blown tactical movement. We even occasionally take cover and yell “Buddy Set!” and “Buddy Move!"

If Luke has already played for 5 hours, then Luke should go outside and get some sunlight.

I’m not convinced. Wouldn’t it undercut 370Z sales? It looks a lot better than the Z, that’s for sure.

Yeah, you’re pretty much the only one that I’ve met, anyway. I played as much as humanly possible during the initial beta and even made some new friends and we’re all happy that this breaks from “tradition”. I’m happy that it does, and that the current DZ keeps the twitch gamers out of it. Besides, it’s about time

Really? That looks like the most uninspired, soul-sucking cubicle farm I’ve ever seen in my life.

Who cares? It has less performance appeal than a 15 year old S2000. I say bring on the C-HR!

Now playing

Awesome. And here’s added video proof of an F-16 ground test. Just look at the patch it dries.