Moist Von Lipwig

I agree completely. This just rings a little too cliché. And I’m also going to go ahead and guess that members of the hero faction will eventually procure a (some) mech(s) and work to overthrow the oppressors via clandestine operations. Somewhere there will also be a love triangle and obvious-but-inevitable betrayal.

Post hoc ergo proptor hoc.

The Excalibastard.

This is the greatest reply in the history of replies. Ever.

Just imagine - in theory - you’re using your car as a controller during your commute.

How’s the seat on the DSR? I’m less concerned about distance riding, since due to a deployment injury I can’t ride for long. But I like a little comfort for short sprints.

Hah! Well, I made sure I passed on the standards to my own Son so there’s a little hope for our future.

I can’t understand why human beings need to be taught certain things. I wasn’t taught, but I KNOW you don’t do things like this to another person.

100% true, Doug! My girlfriend is a perfect example. 120 lbs, 5-foot-5-inches from TN and completely convinced that she NEEDS a Chevy Silverado to get back and forth from work. On blacktop.

As a Father who also games with his Son and friends, there is nothing better.

My imagination is running off the rails in regards to “fully anonymous cars” in the first paragraph.

I could look at that black/red one all day!

Thanks, my bad. I moved out of NY 20 years ago.

A dealership in Jersey playing shady games with used car sales?!?!

The 1980’s called and they want their cliché Honda-bashing back.

You should go drive a 2015 Civic SI. My little basted torque-steers like a son of a bitch.

Also wrong. He was killed by a random projectile from a prop explosive.

Good article, Torch. Now you know how gun owners feel whenever one of the talking heads mentions anything about firearms or sweeps a room full of reporters with their finger on the trigger.

Being unique and different when your corporate umbrella only takes you half seriously is NOT a recipe for a competitive race team. The challenges his car and team faced just became so numerous, it was going to be impossible to built a competitive architecture - especially for WEC. Start with an already competitive car

I think I’ve just found the Gawker Media article with the least amount of proof reading.