Welcome to The Internet. You must be new here.
Welcome to The Internet. You must be new here.
Because there is no “standard” xenomorph design. Each “class” of Alien - in the tradition canon - is unique to the host-species DNA.
A couple of years ago, I bought a 2013 Accord with a 4-cyl and 6-speed. It was alright for about 2 years, but for some reason there was just something about driving the car that never sat right with me. Then just 4 months ago, a friend (and salesman) told me he had a car he wanted to offer at a deal and to just “come…
Nah, we’re done here. You’re not contributing anything of value to this conversation. Have a great day!
6% of F-150 sale (700k+ in 2014) were in CA vs. 16% in TX. Where is your trend-setting now?
You’re so busy making statements without any facts that you’re failing to realize that you’re wrong. But that’s okay, continue to believe that California is the trend-setter that it isn’t, despite the fact that your beliefs are incredibly cliché.
US is No.2 to China, and California (as of 2007) is 23rd in autos per capita. Learn to research, kid.
On the internet, ANYONE can make things up and pass them as fact! Yippy!
COTD material, right here.
Did it come with a monkey? Does the warranty extend to monkey care and upkeep?
I find it genuinely interesting - with a touch of foreshadowing - that the people posting comments in regards to looking forward to grief ing get hundreds of stars, while your rose-colored view has 17 (currently).
So you clearly didn’t read the article, or the comments above. Here:
I bet you have some incredible stories. If you’re ever in Huntsville, let me know!
Thanks. I forgot about some of that. I remember when AMCOM sent a team to Eustis to modify the Comanche mock-up to reflect the new “encapsulated” rotor workings.
Semi-true. The tail rotor gives you the buzzing sound, but the mains give you the “whop”. I spent 8 long years at Ft. Campbell tracking and balancing the effing things. They were such a pain in the ass, but still way easier than a -47.
It wasn’t removed, the entire main module (transmission directly below the hub) and swashplate seemed to be ripped out out of the airframe with the main rotor system. It’s wrapped up near the copilot seat, under that ship/structure assembly. They can take a helluva beating and still be rebuilt at Corpus Christi IF you…
Bring it on down to Huntsville, AL. I’ll give you a 2001 Honda S2000 with 130k miles and a new top, a 2009 Buell 1125CR, and anything out of my old Army foot locker that fits ya!
If FRS sales figures are an indicator (which they are) neither car has a snowballs-chance-in-hell of coming stateside.
Add this to the list of reasons why I plan to buy it used from Gamestop for $20 in about 3 weeks.
Tips for playing Destiny (period):