
I want to feel bad about Melania but I can not.

My god I cannot stand Lena Dunham and I really wish she’d just slip quietly into oblivion but I know that will never, ever happen.

Isn’t that against the law?

Considering the city bought it, no it will not be a club anymore.

So just because you’ve seen them everyone else has? You know that there are new people being born every day right? It’s kinda important to remind ourselves of history so we can learn from it. 

She’s a white woman, though. That’s only 38% of the population.

Well she is the 1%, so...

“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.

That’s a tragic underselling of the Things You Might Not Know channel. I, for example, didn’t know they even buried the guy under a fake name. I didn’t even know the allies had recovered the body and the documents themselves and kept the story up for decades. Some things - that I - did not know.

Wow that’s a freaking direct threat. Whats worse is that they told him they locked that account, but apparently didn’t.

I agree - this place has got to have a lot of bad juju. I would not want to live there.

I’d just like to offer my advice to everyone as I have personally arrested 5 people in 3 road rage incidents in the last several months.

Decades of impotent rage, violence, fear and injustice has soaked into that land.

Stephen King likes the direction you are heading with this story.

Superstitious me cringes at the idea of plonking 25,000 units of housing on the site of a jail. Decades of impotent rage, violence, fear and injustice has soaked into that land. Call me ridiculous, but I firmly believe that history will color the lives of the people who will be the new residents. A large luxury and

My story that I forgot to share and is probably too far down the list to get view:

Man, I missed this one, too!

Roadrage with a side of justice?

The other day i couldn’t think of one... then I remembered... I was driving my 1 year old son to a child swimming class and see a brand new X5M pass me driving pretty much normal... I was checking it out, because M. Then i see a guy in a 10 year old corolla come speeding up beside him in a turn lane hanging out his

I definitely road rage (405 traffic will do that) however It never gets past the thinking aloud while driving by myself stage. I never actually talk to anyone or follow them when they do something stupid but on the flip side I’ve had family’s scream at me because I was in their blind spot and honked at them when they