I’m not sure she’s making America great, but she’s sure making the internet great again.
I’m not sure she’s making America great, but she’s sure making the internet great again.
The urge to tell her to STFU through my monitor is unending.
Low tolerance for narcissists who think being cute and “quirky” makes it okay to be self-centered and oblivious? I tried, and I do not understand the appeal. The characters are all either oblivious assholes or the pushovers the oblivious assholes treat like garbage.
What is missing in me that I never liked this show? No soul? Calcium?
This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck…
This kind of thinking is what bothers me.
“Trump supporters voted because of jobs, not racism, sexism, homophobia!”
“Cool, so we can keep supporting the marginalized/calling out racism, sexism and homophobia, while supporting economic development in rural communities?”
Edit: It’s insulting to…
The culture of censorship surrounding unpopular opinions by the left has always been oppression.
I don’t know if it was eligible, but I hope that that tweet response won a MacArthur Genius Grant that year.
I’m sorry- I’m wracking my brain, but when did anyone in the government shut down or stymie any of the hate speech trolling publications or individuals during the Obama administration? Maybe I need more coffee, but didn’t they sort of flourish in the last decade unfettered? I mean, yes people on the left publicly…
Hey hey, whoa now. Calling neo-nazis “Fecal-Americans” is a disservice to fecal matter. Manure is actually beneficial to the world.
Please see HARDBALL with CHRIS MATTHEWS on MSNBC, WEEKDAYS AT 7PM for further information.
So are you confirming or denying that you use spells to control the media?
I really thought you were talking about your aldermen.
The greatest generation liberated the world from the Nazi’s and the Japanese, but they did not and could not confront the racism, hatred, and intolerance in their own lives until forced to by minorities. They were mostly good people, who went to church, believed in hardwork, but also for the large part oblivious and…
Forget? A lot of them never learn to start with. There’s another site I’m on where people were sharing how they or their parents first found out, after their school years. Tons of stories of people in their forties and fifties being utterly stunned that yeah, we did that.
George Takei recently shared a spin on “They came first for the Communists” that I find fitting. It went something like: