
he wasn’t talking to her because HE WAS TEXTING BEYONCE #WAKEUPSHEEPLE

this is so egregious !

the mental gymnastics are truly astounding. I remember reading the facebook status of some low-level, family values state politician when it was revealed that his wife had had an abortion. It was all about how strong and brave she was to made that decision... but no one else deserves that choice?

+ 1 socialized healthcare

it really shows how limited their world view is. that everyone must have a 9-5 and not deviate from that mold in any way or they are not an adequate person and thus their protest is not valid.

i call them poop campers!

counter point: spiders will crawl into your genital openings.

second on the ABH dipbrow! very natural look!

to me the difference in quality between ABH and NYX is huge. I’d rather save and wait a little longer to buy a new ABH than get 3 NYX.

to me the difference in quality between ABH and NYX is huge. I’d rather save and wait a little longer to buy a new

found this yesterday

maybe? idk i’m confused by the whole thing.

but she’s turning the thermostat UP ...... in August......


but also what does a “written letter” mean? like they’re going to send you a cease and desist?

it sort of is related! they need a safe space from you. which is funny. because they’re probably anti-safe space. soooo


was his name Michael Scott?

i thought they were guac taquitos :(

thought this said mahogany tbh