Charlie Esser

I can't help but think that Wilkes and Frost wind up together at the end of this, perhaps even running the Arena Club, and forming the basis of SHIELD/HYDRA as part of the counsel (through their subordinate Vernon Masters). Basically, you can go with the Wilkes sacrifices himself story line to get him out of the way,

Perhaps Kano worked for the Guild, and took out Morpho on orders from above, the guilt over this lead him to renounce his guild ties and join Jonas' team.

Jonas Sr. clearly sees him as a Villain here. I wonder if Kano was moon lighting with The Blue Morpho or if this predates him joining Team Venture. Also if Blue Morpho is playing both sides of the field, it explains why his Mysterious plane crash might have occurred. The Guild might not have appreciated his

Most likely not the Blue Morpho but I am sure he'll be back. The tin foil hat and super suit suggests the victim of a previous mind wipe (we know the hat prevents future mind wipes). Hmmm…this has a whole Wanted vibe perhaps.

I believe he developed that last season.

It's entirely possible she is still mad at Monarch and aware that he's not competent enough to break into the Ventech building for petty vandalism on his own. He is a bit of a pill as a spouse regardless.

though in that case Marvel Comics #1 wasn't a historical document, the way it is used here, or the way that it would be in the Marvel Comics Universe.

totally missed the Kano reference there! That is right! Interestingly the Blue Morpho as a Green Hornet variation becomes an interesting concept if like the Green Hornet the Blue Morpho presents as a Villain (member of the guild) but is actually a secret super hero.

At first I thought Copycat might be a shape shifter, and might be a return of the Sovereign (no longer using his David Bowie personae obviously) but as a multiple man knock off he is just as interesting.

I do believe this is the first time, a Venture Comic was mentioned (prior to this it was always a Saturday morning Rusty Venture Cartoon series) in truth I believe this is the first time a Jonas Venture Sr. branded bit of pop cultural ephemera has been listed. So that could be interesting too (I am assuming that it

I don't know what I want more, Mable and Able Pines (head canon on Dipper's name) coming back next Summer, the Soos Mystery adventures, or the Chronicle of the Stan o War II. Either way, Disney really should back up the RDJ money dump truck up to Hirsch's house. This could be Disney's Harry Potter if they develop it

Can you Ship real people, because every time I watch the Daily show, I'm always thinking Trevor Noah and Jessica Williams having a tumultuous backstage work place rom com thing going on. He's the cocky new boss, she's the hyper capable person who probably should have his job but doesn't for reasons that are more

I think the impression was, he just wouldn't leave. It is a problem with the people demanding to be seen by the "agent". Remeber how sad the clown was?

I got very excited when I heard the name Manfredi here, since That is Silvermane's last name, but of course, further investigation made me realize Silvermane is Silvio not Joseph Manfredi. Still, if we get a mention of his brother Sil out west, or even see "little Sil" running around this season I will squee. It's

Yes but if Supergirl and Superman can both hear it. even if they work out ahead of time who responds to what pitch, doesn't that mean that all kryptonians hear it? So, sure Superman can ignore it, if it's Supergirl's tone, but that's kind of a jerk move, since you know, he hears it too. And of course, and of course

no that's Doomsday.

I wonder how the super people know who is being called? Do other Kryptonians hear the ultra high frequency too? Is it just really annoying to them, like a car alarm going off? What about the denizens of paradise island, or other folks with super hearing? difficult questions.

a lack of facilities in DC genre shows (including things like Teen Titans Go, which does have toilets used, just not in jail cells), seems to be an on going theme, I don't know if it was an executive decision, or just an ongoing joke by the producers of the various shows.

I do wonder why there are no toilets in the DC universe, is that an executive decision, or just a set design quirk. It strikes me that although they have toilets in Teen Titans Go, their prisons (Jinx and Slade's daughter both get locked up) lack facilities as well. So is that just part of the horror of DC jails.

Fun fact about Kurtwood Smith's character, his name is listed as Vernon Masters, I wonder if we might see a tie to Phillip Masters (The Puppet Master) or Tony Masters (The Taskmaster), before this is all said and Done. Really, I'm just waiting for some politician named Ward to cross paths with this show.