Charlie Esser

You seem to assume the world was filled with Violent sociopaths with the superpower to call mobs at will. One racist diner owner in a non-Jim Crowe state is more likely than not to sell the crueler (or was it a bearclaw) to the couple he finds distasteful. He made them make a purchase rather than just politely

There was rampant racism depicted, note the reference to Dr. Wilkes as a Janitor, and the active racism of the diner owner who assumed Peggy was being held hostage. As to the phone booth, a 1940's phone booth was private enough for Superman to change his clothes, one imagines it's private enough for a clandestine

keep in mind this is an alternate MCU universe, where Captain America forced the integration of the Armed Services with his Howling Commandos. It's still 1947 (referring to Wilkes as a Janitor, and more pointedly boy) but it is a 1947 that had a Captain America, so perhaps the world is a little more towards that

I don't know if this struck anyone else, but the way Yellow Diamond speaks disdainfully of organic life, it struck me as kind of odd, as Diamonds, unlike the other gems, are carbon based. Like organic life.

I just really wish the people tasked with reviewing this show would actually bother to watch it…I guess that won't be a concern anymore…

I would go B, but I don't like to curve just because it's a pilot. I enjoyed the program, but interestingly enough I had all the same complaints (for the most part) that the reviewer did. I am guessing they just were more bothered by the problems, and less intrigued by the premise than was I.

What this show does is recognize that the most interesting thing about Batman is his rouges gallery, and tries to focus on that.