Charlie Esser

I kind of feel there is a bit of emotional growth coming up under the surface here. The call back to the neutrino bomb and black outs seems to be referencing the Pilot, and Morty's statement of a 40% chance of the bomb being a dud, suggests that it could be more, but 60% of the time Morty could diffuse the bomb.

Wrong again, what I tell you. Maybe I should use this power for good more.

I'm going to go out on a limb and think it's going to be a white male. I'm always wrong, so this is probably they will probably go a different way, but I'm playing the odds.

But Jon Oliver specifically asked him not to throw him into the brier patch!

Or he could just road trip to Reno or Toronto if that is more convenient. There are a number of places where sex work is legal.

He's a Fury…they aren't particularly nice people. He puts refugees in internment camps too. You wonder how Hydra took over, look no further than SHIELD.

I've never seen the point in underestimating the intelligence of the American People. They may (myself included) be easily manipulated by fear and worry, but a pocket book issue is a pocket book issue, and the numbers helped by the ACA out number those hurt. McConnell may have been elected by angry people hurt by

I'm just hoping for a Zune resurgence, come on Microsoft, don't leave us hanging!

So, basically, you have no personal experience with it, no actual knowledge of what the plan was or did. You just heard that in some cases people lost their plans or doctors with no context on it. Right, thanks for the convo bro.

we will see…I am not certain McConnell hates his job that much.

I really don't think that's the case, or are you being silly? It is often hard to tell on the internet.

Actually, you would receive subsidies to aid in paying for insurance if your income was of a certain lower range determined by your area. As a person who got insurance through the ACA, I can tell you that for the difficulties that existed with the website, they were resolved, and insurance was available, at a

it will not be forgotten, I'm just saying they will hope it will be.

In truth, this bill won't get past the Senate. They will blame the democrats for it's defeat there (event though I bet they won't filibuster it). And the ACA will stay where it is, and the awfulness of this bill will be forgotten by the midterms. At least that's the gamble that everyone made.

Well what it was was, if you like your decent plan, you can keep it, if you have a plan that will leave you bankrupt if you get you know, sick, you need a better plan. If your doctor refuses to take your plan, you can't keep them, but that's because of your doctor, not the plan. So yes, if you had bad insurance,

The Device is inspired by the Darkhold. The Darkhold is the means by which the Elder God C'Thon will one day return to the universe. Of Course AIDA can teleport now! She is likely the avatar of an elder god!

Unless, C'Thon takes it as an opportunity to be made manifest as one of the drones brought back. I'm guessing they wouldn't do it with Ward (since they've already hived him). But Triplet or Mack's Daughter seem like prime choices for Secretly Evil Elder Gods.

I was so panicked when Ward promised to hold the station to keep the broadcast going. I am so afraid that at any moment Ward will either betray the team, or die a heroes death. I think we can all agree, alternate universe Ward is great, and would be excellent in the main cast.

Yes, and I for one am horrified (as I was in the 90's) to learn of the president's pick up style, but at least seeing it played back for subtle laughs heals the pain.

Richard Ayoade would make a pretty great Doctor I must say. And he's definitely in the meaty spot fame wise for casting purposes. I'm still hoping they can find a way to get Alex Kingston back on the show, so if he regenerated into his wife's form (he took Capaldi's form and they called it out too) for old time's