Charlie Esser

Actually it's not Nick Spencer it's Jonathan Hickman, it's riff on work already established in his SHIELD series suggesting that SHIELD is an ancient organization, and it fractured when Sir Isaac Newton tried to wrest control of brotherhood from Leonardo Divinci. Hickman didn't call it out in his book, but strongly

You can tell these were pure crystals because May was able to hold it before releasing it. Personally I'm wondering if project looking glass ties to a 3D printer, in the real world and if we get a post credits scene at the end of all this of someone bring printed out, maybe several someones.

You know what is the weirdest aspect of life in the Framework, AIDA can control it, alter it, can bring back Lincoln if she chooses, but has opted to allow the world to exist as it does, with a rebel force, whom, logically, she knows at all times where they are and what they are up to.

Yes, but these NPCs have hopes and dreams, I don't think the ones in the PS4 do.

Thought to Ponder, will we see a Hydra Darkhold connection in the future? Remember Aida reading the Darkhold, and it's promise of making her a real girl is what lead to this Framework world. If we think of the Darkhold (like the Serpent Crown) as artifacts meant to let elder gods return to earth (C'Thon and Set

The LMD take over of SHIELD was the premise of Nick Fury Vs. SHIELD in the late 80's. An amazing series, and I think is given good homage by the current story line.

The NPC's are kind of the best part, and opens up a very real question, what happens to them if they shut off the framework?

There is a great take on this in the current Steve Rogers Captain America arc, essentially saying that while Hydra is ancient, they also made a deal with the Nazis and that deal came to overwhelm and corrupt them in that you cannot separate the Nazis from Hydra after their merging.

I think you have a situation where his father sticking around altered his path dramatically so that he never joined SHIELD, and never met Jemma. In that way, what was excised was Jemma, but his regret corrected was his father.

You know, while the law he's being prosecuted under is the mask rule (initially written up to curtail the activities of the Ku Klux Klan whose use of masks for intimidation purposes are quite well known) the underlying crime is actually the intimidation with a sword, while wearing a mask. In essence wandering around

when was that? I guess I missed that.

This was actually the first episode in a long time that was actually enjoyable for me to watch. It still has a lot of groan worthy factors to it, and honestly, I'm still not a fan of Heywood or Palmer (I kind of feel one or the other is tolerable, but both together it just becomes nails on the chalkboard) but this

In the beginning the world was void and without form, and then the murders began.

I just hope this means a more nuanced and interesting take on Gaston, perhaps even a happy ending and two loving friends decide to proclaim their life long bachelor status as a life style positive.

What no shout out to Yellowbeard? Yeah, they had a small part in it, but I really loved that film.

That was my favorite line of the night.

I am so glad to see I wasn't the only one who enjoyed this episode. Spent the morning trying to defend it (or more specifically say it was better than Legends) to my DC loving podcast buddies. Looking forward to watching the series, and making comments.

Budweiser Authentica Como Newark!

It's interesting to see you call Civil War II tone deaf. I think, it actually hits the nail exactly right, not only in voicing the very real anger and fear that persons living in the Marvel Universe likely feel, but also to show how that real fear gets exploited by evil men for their own ends. Is Hydra cap a gut

Why else do you think it's so popular in high school?