Charlie Desertly

Well, I endorse Independent Worm Saloon too. Solid album.

Right, that was my experience too.

I say just go straight to Locust Abortion Technician from '87 and/or Hairway to Steven from '88.

I'll stick up for some of Electric Larryland.

Holy crap, I thought this day would never come.
I hope they've regained some sense of perspective. I remember reading them saying things about how The Weird Revolution was their best work since Locust Abortion Technician, or some such total, total nonsense. Weird Revolution was fucking shit. But if they can regain

Is your wife one of the alumnae?
Is a question I might ask, if I were entirely too attached to those Latin roots.

I've known several of his dittoheads from my small Midwestern hometown, and they're terrifying. It's always a young guy who was sharper than a lot of his classmates, but never was comfortable in school or put any effort into it. Who took some drugs, and went on to often have that look in his eyes like he's

No, it isn't.

"Shockingly, middle America doesn't like the coasts looking down on them like a pack of dunces."
Were a region to overwhelmingly vote to have bottle rockets shoved up their children's anuses, would you say "whoa, what a bunch of crazies," or would you say, "hey now, they're not going to like it if we look down on

To me, the argument between "people had to be a crazy to vote for Trump" and "no, you and your perspective are the reason he won" is so simple that it serves as a basic test case for Occam's razor. Look at Trump, see that he's ridiculous and unfit to govern. Look at the idea that people voted for him because they

Fuck this guy.

Marrakech Moroccan Restaurant in downtown San Francisco is my favorite dining experience. Only ate there once and don't want to go again, because it wouldn't live up to my memories of the first time.

He's probably into those animal crush videos.

It's The Fall.

You don't wanna wind up fuckin' around with tinnitus, man.

The most generous reading I can give to what you're doing is a kind of misguided devil's advocacy. People *are* just badly wrong sometimes. Even 60 million of them.

No, I'm not following you. It takes about ten seconds to assess the man's character. Having done that, trusting him is a deeply stupid thing to do.
He may be preferable to nobody — I don't think so, but maybe — but as he wasnt running unopposed, I don't see that as a good point either.

That's a list of problems. There was never, and I mean never, any convincing evidence that a vote for Donald Trump meant that any of those problems would be addressed. Or that he had basic understanding of ordinary people's lives. Or that he cared.

I'd bear in mind that having legitimate complaints and concerns does not make it legitimate to trust a real estate grifter/reality TV jackass to actually address those concerns.

What were some of the very good reasons for voting for Trump?