Charlie Desertly

I don't think that's the argument at all.

It really struck me one night at a bar, I don't remember where, shortly after Team America came out, when a classic aggressive, "hoo ra" buzz-cut military dude came over to our table and rapped at us. Though I think he was just shooting the shit, everything he said felt like a kind of verbal breaking a bottle on the

To me a statement like that reads like, "Nowadays, people expect a level of basic decency from someone who makes transgressive comedy. But actually, I get off on being a regressive asshole!"

Having visited American cities and Chinese cities, I vote that it is more a culture thing than a city thing. Which is to say, crossing the road in Chicago might be intense, but it is different in kind from crossing one in China.

There was a Fionn in a Black Mirror episode, but I think they jacked the spelling around.

I don't think you've spent time with people who really enjoy coffee.

Oh Jesus h, man, those are the primary colors of my love life.

I made it into the second book, in one of the I think three times that I started. His sentences always gave me a sense that I was swimming.

Have you read other Murakami?

Norwegian Wood. Which I think is the least of the three Murakami novels I've read now (the first being Kafka on the Shore and Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki), but I don't know, still good. Good but not great.

Real unique, entertaining performer, right?

Stuart Davis, somewhere around 30 times.

He annoys me. I've never enjoyed him in anything. He's always playing the same goofy d-bag. He gives me the same pukey vanilla "good old fashioned" vibe as something like the Andy Griffith show. And then I resent the sense that no one can relate to not liking him.

I feel like its my loneliest pop culture stance, but Tom Hanks can fuck right off.

I saw those two bands together, but it was a couple years too late for me to possibly enjoy it. I checked my watch about a billion times during Arcade Fire. Point just being, I was around a lot of people — one friend in particular — whose big passion was chasing the hip new thing, and at I guess it was in my late

The Melvins deserve so much more props than I hear them get.

I do like porn.

Those asexual organisms, in my understanding, didn't die natural deaths, and literally just used a significant portion of their bodies to become their own offspring. I think I have a sense of what you're saying, but to me the difference is more striking than the similarity.

I mean, I think there are a lot of examples where the period after something can easily be compared to the period before it. You don't have much strength, because you haven't attained adulthood. And then later, you don't have much strength because you're past the peak of adulthood. They're similar in that way, and