Charlie Desertly

That's a particularly speculative kind of 'deep,' though.

I've heard it argued that sex and death essentially came into existence at the same time, before which time the asexually reproductive organisms had gone on without any natural limits to their lifespan, just effectively splitting off parts of themselves in order to form new ones. There then emerged those who got it

I say that name sucks. Generation Eraserhead!

As you've addressed these questions *to* us, I say the answer to each is: "we don't."

The house party in Doggy Style. Domino!
And, y'know, they don't mind that I'm super uncool.

I'm fifty million pop culture years old, but the best thing I've heard this year is the remix of Sgt. Pepper's.

I have wondered if there is some official ruling on this issue, as there are films whose release years are listed differently on different sites, some utilizing festival showings and some not.

Who was pessimistic about twin peaks? It was the show of the year from the moment they announced it.

I'd be really tempted to just turn in the word "nothing."

No advice on this topic can ever possibly be objective. There's nothing in life that every person simply must do. There are people who go through life without ever having sex. And we don't know that we're really happier than they are.
However, the cheap shots at Joyce and Nietzsche were obnoxious.

Huh. So it sounds like it wouldn't agree with that play after all.

No, I think most of us agree — fuck you.

I feel equally outnumbered for feeling that they're an alright band to listen to a track or two from every now and then, but no more.

"I don't really understand what he is complaining about given that it seems like the same thing across all high schools everywhere."
In that our high schools are this fake little jack-off world that gives you very little of real value, and thus deserve to be criticized.

I saw the movie because of a Chinese friend, and had never heard of it before that. Not too surprised to learn that it's a big phenomenon in China; I think it's basically because of simple cuteness.

But this is effectively the site's entire commentariat making the same stupid, obvious dog-eating jokes, one after the other, and all but patting each other on the back for the cleverness.

This particular moronity is coming right from AV Club's own.

I don't think it… tastes like the athlete.

Kind of thing that makes me say, 'what a stupid culture.'

It makes a really good ESL class debate topic, I know that.