Charlie Desertly

Neo-Nazis were among the "protestors" at Charlottesville.

And I don't think they even had a permit to be there!

Oh, ouch.
I believe I went in 2011.

Lost Highway, and then miles and miles of space, and then any of the 20 mentioned here.

It's a good 75% through the list before he stops trashing every song.

I think I actually said "fuck you" out loud to the movie during the closing sequences when horrible things were just needlessly happening to all the characters one after the other.

I made it as far as "Pink Floyd was so bad when it started (the first album aside) that even with exponential growth it took five or six efforts before they released a listenable album"… Hard to read past that.

Did Wilber really publish a new book this year? Have you read it?

Did anybody else really dislike Boogie Nights?

I've known gay guys who talk like vaginas are horrifying monsters.

In my experience, there are a really wide range of chiropractors. My brother goes to one who talks to him about repressed emotional trauma from childhood incidents. Another, a high school friend whose entire family has been chiropractors, will smoke with one hand and drink with the other while going on about how

I recently made an effort, and i couldn't get past his dick-bag voice long enough to hear any album's worth of songs.

My sister gave me this one one Christmas, and it's worth checking out:…. Solid as both a photo book and a travelogue, too.

Somebody in the know should write a guide to 'em for the rest of us.

Yowser, dead cross sounds good.

Damn good song.

My greatest karaoke triumph was doing Epic — supposedly people were running back to the pool room to bring people in to watch — and I unknowingly split my lip with the microphone and was bleeding into my goatee, thereby getting a real memorable look from the host when I turned to hand the mic back.

There were two or three really good songs on The Pop Group comeback album.

Sinister is right. Effectively they were just brilliant for about a decade.

I'd tack "Jimi" on too.