
Well said.

I took that statement as a not-so-subtle dig at Biden. 

Uhhhh was that for me?

A favorite comment of many of our trolls....

I am not seeing anyone suggest they are the same. But the reverse of your point is true - this law, to the best of my knowledge (I am happy to be proven wrong here), impacts that 16-year old to the same degree it does that 5-year old.

It is all about getting talking points out there. From Trump’s ass to his cult’s lips.

That is an incredibly naïve understanding of the role of schools in children’s’ lives. If it were only about “learning academic subjects” what was the big deal about “socialization” during the pandemic? Parents are welcome to learn to talk to their children about their interests, rather than have an already

You are still here.

You are so weird.

Funny. A Nazi sticking up for the Catholics. 

Errrr. I’m not the one confusing having “principles” with not drinking a fucking beer.

Alright, bud. Let’s try out some new material.


You dont think pointing out to the 6 people (at least) who didn’t know this is a troll account that this is, in fact, a troll account was worthwhile? It was already ungreyed.

Sure. But as long as he performs the correct rituals of hate, he will garner significant attention. Hate for librulz > bigotry.

“He is a very promising candidate” - Wow, Elon. Thanks. What insight. 

This was, by far, your lamest attempt yet. And that is really saying something, Crystal. 

Jesus. Tommy Tuberville isn’t doing this out of some deep commitment to ending US imperialism or crippling the military-industrial complex. And “shitlibs”? Duh.

Yeah. Because Tommy Tuberville is concerned about the “US war machine” and probably has some deep thoughts on American empire/imperialism.

Yeah, dude. You shoulda just asked. Sorry.