You made a dumb fucking comment. That is fairly obvious by the overwhelmingly negative response. Put the bong down and don’t dig your heels in any further. Oh...and get over yourself.
You made a dumb fucking comment. That is fairly obvious by the overwhelmingly negative response. Put the bong down and don’t dig your heels in any further. Oh...and get over yourself.
“must resonate with truth” - OK, Boris. Nice try there.
Yep. That is right, Tina. Best to never come back. Bye.
You telling people to do some self reflection ..... whoa boy.
H*ly shit, gramps. Let’s shuffle on back to bed.
Well, you are welcome that “liberals” have been fighting this fight for 200 fucking years now. But, sure, some ChatBot writes a country song and you finally get it.
Hey Crystal - Is Vivek going to come to Iowa to rap with you guys, you think?
“Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground / ‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down”
So, the County of Maui, who issued this statement, is now the *US government*? I recognize that Maui is in the US, so please don’t go there.
I would date Jodie Sweetin. There I said it.
There is not a single conservative on the planet that can tell me what gender is and why people might study it.
So, humbly picking up “her kids” from school while she had cancer is participating in a child’s life? You are not very good at this trolling thing.
That would include you, as well.
You missed the point by a mile. Or, a country mile in your case, I suppose.
hahhaa. Salty bitch.
Literally none of this story is true.
“until they are of legal age.” Suuuure. Glad you threw that one in there, groomer.
Should Kamala be able to invite an historian of American slavery and the slave trade more generally? I am sure there is already a line forming.