
You are weird. 

Between the paintings of himself he had done after ripping off his own charity?

Are these really “Benoit Blanc” films? The first one, sure. But the second one...? He was in it...

Oh man. This guy sucks. 

I might be wrong. But Elizabeth Fraser is doing backup vocals on “Time Baby III.” You know, she is the one shouting at the end of the song.

Don’t forget the “Singles” soundtrack!

No different than what the Star War’s prequals/sequels (maybe the originals as well) did for sci-fi/fantasy posters. Just mash everyone and everything into a vaguely shaped triangle with some ominous blue or red background.

So fuckin cool.

So, you mean what you wrote was never actually said? You just mashed up a bunch of context-free sort-of quotes thinking that was a slam dunk?

One of these things was actually said. Live. You can go watch it. One is made up. But, again, at least you have a new meme this week. 

Well, as long as Biden doesn’t suggest soldiers took over the airports during the Rev. War, I think we will all be fine. But, at least, you have a new meme for the week.

What makes war so civil, anyway?

Haha. Naturally, I understand and agree. I dont really have much an opinion. Especially not on a 50 second teaser trailer.

Hair down to his goddamn shoulders...

Yes. And Unspeakable Axe never catered to nostalgia ;) How many “old school” trash tapes you guys release?


Oh no. Not twitter.

Fuck them, too. Plenty to go around.

He is a troll. And people are falling for it.

This woman has all the money in the world. And she is cynically playing on her cult status. But what is far, far worse is that this type of stunt hurts other musicians and labels, who have to wait a year+ for their vinyl to appear.