“Hyperbolic values”? Fuckin what?
No it wasn’t. And no it didn’t.
Says the guy crying about someone with an opinion about Jack Black. Jesus h Christ.
Fuck you. You dont care. So stop pretending.
EXACTLY! ... 2 months later.
Wow. You people are so weird. Your preprogrammed responses so rarely hit or relate to the topic. What was it - Ukraine? Or get another vaccine?
That is covered in this very article. What is being ignored? That 99% of all massing shootings are the product of “cis gendered”?
You are convinced? After what...a few hundred memes you read on 4Chan, you fucking dork?
Adolph Hitler killed himself.
You dont care about dead kids, you sack of shit. You are here to try out the jokes you make on 4Chan. Get fucked. Your attempt at “analysis” is laughable as well.
You are the only person using that word. So...whose else’s material you ripped off do you want to try out now? Basic.
“I’d rather be a dork than a. . . “ Wow. Good one, Kyle. Top-tier shit.
Get your own material, dork.
I’m going to be that guy .... no “Rolling Thunder”?
“It’s *fun*, y’all!”
You are way out of your league here. Dude.
Whoa. Swing and a miss. I recommend decaf, btw.
Eek. No period after “illiterate”.
That is because you are incredibly racist yourself. No way a black man could hit a woman. And then choke her. The witness must even be racist. Duh.