Did he throw his little cup across the room?
Did he throw his little cup across the room?
Did...did you read what you actually posted?
“Drag shows are stupid.” Watch out everyone, we have a real heavyweight on our hands here.
No way a human wrote that.
Exactly. Taking the job was just a way to get an otherwise great night comped.
Yeah. I bet they have an overflow list of agents overly willing to do the job. There to “surveil.” But most to have their evening comped and cover for doing something they want to be doing anyway.
Says the person named fair_n_hite! ;)
From your lips to god’s ears.
Might it have something to do with an obscene amount of money she might get after his death?
That made sense in your head?
You listen to young girls talk about their periods?
This is a trope as old as film itself.
People comment in the hopes something might change.
What even is this article?
Oh...you’ll find something else to cry about. That much is sure.
How about some punctuation? Is that too much to ask, bud?
She is there as a representative of the Lollipop Guild, I believe.
Oh good.
The 1968 film was great. Check it out.