
Nice try, but it’s not a strawman. Those are facts - look it up. Except I don’t actually know whether or not the active agents gave approval of the hiring freeze. Nor do i know if they were asked whether it should be lifted. Seems unlikely, though, right? But you’re right, YOUR strawman where they ‘knew what they

“Ummmm they signed a contract that also capped the amount of pay they would receive regardless of overtime. That is how this works.”

Eddie Murphy used it in one of his standup videos in the 80s. He was imitating an Italian from Brooklyn.

Houston (the city) IS pronounced the same in Texas and New York. However, Houston Street is not named after Sam Houston, so it has a different pronunciation.

This, right here. Excellent comment. Especially the persistence / harassment line. I get the most enjoyment out of sex when the other person is happy / satisfied. So, I totally don’t understand this imperative to ‘force’ someone to do something they don’t want to do. I literally couldn’t enjoy sex if I got the

What exactly is it that “guys think they can do?” She expressed her discomfort and immediately got multiple apologies and a promise that it would never happen again. Doesn’t sound like he thinks he can “do” anything, he sounds genuinely apologetic..

I disagree. I think all guys know about gag reflex, and they know it’s uncomfortable. Some guys just don’t care. No matter how much the performer acts like she enjoys it in porn, it’s so obvious that she doesn’t. I mean their fucking eyes water and the face they make when they get that involuntary throat wretch is

That’s really unfortunate, I’m sorry to hear that. There are plenty of us guys out there like OctSurprise. I have the same view of him, I prefer going down on a woman to any other activity. It turns me on so much. I sometimes get disappointed when they pull me up because they want to move on to sex. So after the sex,

A friend of mine had been hanging out with this very pretty girl who was about 15 years younger than us (she was 24 or 25). She had some friends coming to town, so she and he wanted me to come hang out with them. They kept telling me her 1 friend was really hot, and that she would really like me (she was, and she

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. I was speaking generally. I’m sure there are plenty of women who are capable of overpowering some men. All I was saying is that I agree that it’s equally wrong to harass men and women, but on average, the fact that there’s usually a significant size / strength difference

And yet you haven’t answered the question. So essay notwithstanding, your comment is bullshit.

Why is it bullshit? Do you disagree that in general most men can overpower most women? Because that’s the only thing that makes it different. If a woman did to me what this guy did to this girl, it would be very easy for me to extricate myself. In the example here, the woman was able to get away from this guy, but

I made a comment on the ‘updog’ blog about this and I don’t want to repeat the whole thing here, but here’s the short version. I was once falsely accused of rape - well not accused, but a girl who I had sex with told a mutual friend that I had raped her. It was a lie (she initiated intercourse, and in truth neither of

“If every guy I knew reported something like this...” That comparison doesn’t exactly equate. In general, guys are stronger than women. I’m a guy, and there have been occasions where this has happened to me. The difference is, these occasions never inspired fear in me, because my strength allowed me to easily

I got drunk with a close group of friends. Myself, another male friend, and a female friend (Amanda) ended up back at my apartment. The 3 of us continued to party in my apartment. Eventually, Amanda and I went to my bedroom, I gave her clothes to sleep in, and my male friend slept on the couch. Amanda and I are

You're an ass. Ghost is correct. Get your ass off of Route 35 and drive around the neighborhoods. First of all, for the past few years many of the towns down there have been passing legislation that requires new construction to be significantly higher than what was previously acceptable. My friend built a new

The exercise that Hamilton is describing is called Farmer's Walk, and what he failed to mention is that it's extremely painful. I don't know what it is about working forearms, but the burn you get from them is brutal. I think it's because many forearm exercises are very isolated, and you can really get a burn

I'm sort of with you. I'm a man, and I ALWAYS insist on paying. To the point where it's non-negotiable. I've been out with plenty of ladies who really earnestly try to pay, but I very politely insist on picking up the check. When they realize that I genuinely want to pay, they usually gracefully acquiesce. If we

It's at 4pm. And it's a real pain in the ass. All the cabs disappear or are "off duty."

@C_MaryLouise: This is wrong. NYC usually responds beautifully to the snow. A few years ago I flew back to NYC during a blizzard. There was about 14 inches of snow on the ground when we landed. I managed to get a cab (shared) from the airport and got to my apartment in fairly short order. It was about 1am, and