
Bold words, considering they’re from a man who has never cast a person of color in a non-token role in his entire career.

“Amanda did not comment if her husband has made the same promise.”

I love that piece, it’s so pathetic. That woman puts all this fucking effort into “looking hot” and all she gets is a fucking Roomba. That is not worth the effort, lady.

Trevor Noah didn’t tell her how to react. He was floored, and I was too, that she confronted him with all of his hateful tweets and let the whole thing go with an “did I do that? Oh, excuse me,” then moved on like it never happened.

Incidentally, “kid gloves”, also the name of the mittens from the children’s department that Donald Trump must buy to fit his tiny hands.

She just set herself up to get dragged to dust by Samantha Bee tho

I thought the same thing. Whenever black people (in the US) mobilize and organize to press for better living conditions and legal equality, the state is always ready to implicate them (the leaders of the movement(s)) in some criminal bullshit.

I await the evidence.

There is a lot of other interesting stuff in the complaint, like Walters allegedly using “Dallas Cowboys” as the code name for Dean Foods ...

I wish that dude would narrate my daily commute:

“issued a $164 ticket with four points put on his license for failing to do so” Funny, that’s almost exactly the points and fine I had to pay for speeding 12 over the limit, despite the fact there was very little danger to myself or anyone else at the time. Seems like either my penalty was too harsh, or blasting


“[T]here’s nothing positive that comes from pitting women against each other.”

Lena Dunham is the first person I think of when I think about women who hate other women. Her loud and proud paternalistic anti-sex work stance (all sex work is bad; trafficking and sex work are the same, etc.) , her all white vision of New York and that mega racist/nationalist article about Japan are not feminist.


Obviously, I can’t choose my skin color. I mean, I try and get darker every day—I wish I had black skin, but I can’t choose that. If I could go out today and buy black skin for a hundred thousand bucks, boom, I would buy it. Because I prefer that skin color!

My reaction to literally every sentence in this post.

“People say I’m a homophobe. I guarantee you that I’ve got more gay friends than you, and I get more gay people writing to me asking me for advice than you ever will in your entire life.”