
i understand. it’s so tiring to be constantly dealing with that level of idiocy.

barf. tell her that 100 years ago pink was a boys color because it was considered to be “too loud” for girls and then walk away.

i feel you. i work at a such a small place there’s no HR and there’s a person who has no idea how to be respectful or professional or keep her personal life/ racist ideas out of conversation.

:( i just want to find Donna Tartt and yell at her until she gives us more books (very rude i know)

so secret history is just my fav, but in the little friend it was like a hand reached out from the pages and put a stranglehold on me until i finished it. that’s the only way i can describe it!

THE SECRET HISTORY IS SO GOOD!! have you read The Little Friend?

not sure if anyone commented on this, but Gemini is so beautiful! I think it will look good on any skin tone! it was my first Jeffree Star purchase and I can’t wait to get more (I really want Doll Parts, Androgyny, Blue Velvet & Weirdo)! (it lasts long and was not drying to me) I love matte liquid lipstick (coloourpop

i really need some kind of browser plugin thing that changes “Chad” to “Cherd”

“Sexually Oriented Business Licensing Board Office” what is life

they clearly have not read their essential Dr. Seuss.

i hope that Storm shows up in Black Panther anyway. I HOPE SHE IS PLAYED BY BEYONCE




well done!

Pull yourself up by your baby bootstraps, baby!!!!

this is what the GOP has been warning us about: straight white men masquerading as little girls giving side eye so they can get into our bathrooms!!

team no one?

i was going to say “Garbage People Respond...” but realized that’s not fair to either trash collectors or people who live in dumpsters.

women are pawns to them . they don’t care that the violent atmosphere created by their regressive values harms women. they don’t actually care about women unless they can use them to cover for their own bigotry.