
this is very true! if they removed things outright it would cause backlash and people may supplement their children’s education by teaching them things outside of school. by doing this very very very gradually (every x amount of years release new books that are just a little more edited than the last version) they

first baby: NORI!! and then she’ll marry Prince George and then we’ll get taken over by the British...


damn i thought she was the leader of some cult i could be in. because i need that.

omg what is this

lingerie, man. gotta know (if you’re buying lingerie for your partner).

Now playing

i think i found the full length version?

bless ya!

if you remember let me know? i’m v. interested !

ugh carnations and daisies are my favorite flowers!

mustn’t is THEE BEST

i’ll allow it

really gross that they let her accept this “award” on capitol grounds. how is that okay? makes it seem like it was sanctioned by the state (which wouldn’t surprise me). also who was presenting her with the award?

i vote we kill everyone except Jeff Goldblum and Neil DeGrasse Tyson and then procreate with them

team rihanna & kanye together forever


but it did when they built a time machine to come here and be cranky

i want to know why all these same people are not using the King’s english??

“dammit who took my calc textbook??!”

seriously clampetts is THE BEST