this always made me scratch my head when i lived in michigan. ran into so many confederate flag fliers/ “southern pride” people. and i was always like “you’ve never been south of the ohio border?”
this always made me scratch my head when i lived in michigan. ran into so many confederate flag fliers/ “southern pride” people. and i was always like “you’ve never been south of the ohio border?”
i would very much like to see Stephen Fry tell said bigots to sit down and stop using his words.
but what is a child cafe singer?
I have a girl on my fb who posts a lot of “country girl” “southern pride” memes (those godawful pictures with super imposed text a la “keep calm and date a southern girl”) but she lives in metro Detroit and her parents are from Florida so
“who else had youth leagues?” “HITLER.”
that’s wonderful! here’s to discovering way more moments like that in your marriage!
my mom asked me which American Girl doll I wanted for my birthday. I told her:
I missed this because IT WAS POSTED ON MY BIRTHDAY AND I WAS DRINKY. (rude of you) but thank you for this birthday present that took 10 weeks for me to see.
funny that these are literally all of my least favorite people and they’re also anti-vax
“God don’t like ugly!” is my fav thing ever
i want to hear these! it has all my favorite things: Sears, old ladies & lingerie! TRIFECTA
Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern ( and others i’m sure!) cultures have extremely extravagant engagement parties, fyi. To a trad. western perspective it can look/ sound like a trad. western wedding.
i come from a culture that has extremely extravagant engagement parties (bride to be wears multiple wedding/reception dresses, catered dinner, reception hall, music, dancing, videographer, photographer, etc.). basically all the trappings of a traditional western wedding. if someone saw the pics/ walked into the…
my cousin had six multi layer cakes at her engagement party... so could be a cultural thing.
man. they just throwing the c word around on a date like that??
i would like to praise God Most High for this excerpt and ask him to prepare to take me into heaven because i am about to have a heart attack from all this convulsive laughter
got a racist neighbor you can steal one from?
do we really have to choose between these two? because this is a Hobson’s choice. I ain’t here for either of them.