
excuse but i would just like to talk about how I got really excited about this Flygirl concept and facebook googled it to see if there's a fb page I can follow and it brought up a page called Flygirl Pinup and now i'm traumatized. thank you.

wait North West is the antiChrist?

Rebecca Johns(t)on is a buyer for Lululemon who has been banned from several Lulu swap and shop facebook groups... coincidence?

it's the best thing i've ever seen!

I think it may be because Flash Tattoos (the brand name) was one of the first major marketers of these temp tattoos in jewelry designs. So it kind of became like Kleenex. Everyone means "tissue" but they call it by the brand name.


if you eat Sabra you deserve listeria

I swear if one more of these “well-behaved women rarely make history” pictures comes across my timeline I WILL DIE

*are rocks

ohhhh there’s one about gay sharia. lemme get the snacks!

okay that baby is FOR REAL throwing up gang signs

here for faxes and dachshunds

I lost my hymen in a playground accident when I was 11. Pass the Fibs, please.

So this isn't across the board for baristas, but I know a lot of baristas and live in an area where there are a lot of specialty coffee shops. So what they're doing is not just pouring some drip coffee into a cup. They're actually making complex drinks with complex machinery. In that case it's different and harder


that's a really good idea!


"flour sack" cryyying

"saltines" crying

hey the gos was at SXSW too so this makes sense!