
zactly. there are folks with no jobs, folks with shift jobs, work from home jobs, freelance jobs, etc, etc. it's crazy to me that "get a job" has become a refrain from the anti-protesters.

can we yell "get a job" at the people who had time to got to a sports game instead of having a job in a cubicle for 22 hours a day? Do they not understand that not everyone has a stereotypical American 9-5 job?

Also, it's pretty clear that this lady was upset because Hussein is a brown person covering a protest about the way white people treat other brown people. so his response was great.

sometimes maybe. I mean we gotta balance out because of the Ronald Ritchie's and Chris Heben's (Navy Seal... I know) of the world.

people knew the facts in John Crawford's case. didn't matter. I suggest you check out the awesome investigative work Shaun King and others have done especially about where Mike Brown was shot in terms of location to Wilson's vehicle. I suggest you check out they eyewitnesses testimony. the facts are there. they're

God, I love Mustafa Hussein.

there's another side to this coin. even if Wilson did kill Brown outright with no provocation there's a HUGE probability that he'll get away with it if history is any example. to a lot of people saying " I am Darren Wilson" means I support this system of police brutality and senseless death and heck ya I'd put a

kudos to us for ending slavery! makes me think of that woman who is a rep. in Colorado who said that the U.S. giving up slavery was such a GREAT SACRIFICE for our country.

yeah, where are their jobs?? how dare they be at a sports game and not in an office somewhere having a job.

it's pretty great that they're self - iding though. Like thanks for telling us you would murder black people if you get the chance. Note to self: steeeeeer clear.

confused as to why he had to go to Nigeria to make black friends

"Andy Bernard does not lose contests. He wins them. Or he quits them, because they are unfair."


i'll try and track it down. i read this like 8 years ago...

that would be fitting. sadly, no, it was Iliad Homer.

abandon all hope ye who discuss nick sparks.

eh. it's kind of helpful that he's so out there. like there's no question that he's an idiot. he's in the holy trinity of garbage with e.l. james and stephanie meyer.

i wish. Homer as in author of the Iliad.

he's compared himself to Homer before. actually, now that I'm remembering what I read I think he said he was better than Homer.

I read an interview in which Nicholas Sparks said he was on the same level as Homer. Not like Simpson's Homer either.