
Russians have taken "Americans believe anything" to a whole new level.

There is a "food angle"- Maybe he didn't agree with its endorsement of Star Provision's Bacchanalia restaurant (?)

Me thinks this serves more as superficial therapy for the more shallow Trumpophobe than it serves as an actual & honest reflection of concerns of base Trump supporters.

Using convention centers as stand-ins is pretty much the norm, isn't it? I always fig'd this was due to airport security.

Yeah. I realized rather quickly I didn't specify "computer graphics" and would deservedly experience word- and engineer-savvy blowback. ;)

Well, between the chrome HBO and the "stargate effect," my mind was blown.

I was wondering Elrich's insistence to get Jared to empty the bong was more of a ploy to get Jared high than it was to preserve the mechanisms of the bong.

This episode periodically gave me psychosomatic itchiness. Writers could've closed the show with everybody scratching to really hammer it home. Lice makes a really unique plot point.

Everybody, including Supergirl, gave Supergirl romantic advice in this episode, with a sidebar of Lucy advising James.

I can attest there's something both wildly necessary and completely unfulfilling in explaining the difference between videodisc and laserdisc.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."

Around paragraph 6 when Zack writes about Mike, "…but touching? Melancholic?" I can't help but think of that line being followed by the last 2 lines from Raising Arizona:

I really enjoy it when internet corrections can end so resoundingly polite.

Thanks for the correction. I obviously haven't watched Miller's Crossing enough lately and now I have another excuse.

It doesn't necessarily have to be fatal to be traumatic.

I was worried during and following the scene because Betsy left the pill bottle lid ajar. I was afraid the daughter would get into them and we'd find out Betsy's pills were the "real deal."

The use of the term "ruckus" in the 3rd paragraph seems a "Coen-ism" unto itself.

Best part of the film. It was kind of "downhill" from here, but certainly a worthy effort.

Also worth noting, and with regards to the GCPD and GCPD-MCU, Gotham is as much about the arc of other police officers, inc./esp. Bullock- who up to last week's episode wasn't legitimately backing Gordon.

"Why would they cremate Gladys at ATFEC instead of shipping her too? Because her body was in bad shape?"