Had to replace “but her emails” eventually :/
Had to replace “but her emails” eventually :/
I loved the Cerritos nod, but the best line of Prodigy S2 is “Even the whales are evil!”
Hey, there are at least three of us. I’d stake my Pulitzer on it!
Yep. I had to laugh because any of my kids would have done the exact same thing.
Keep ‘em coming!
I’m a simple man. I see a Ben Stiller Show reference, I give a star.
I appreciate that you’re always ready with a Turner D. image. It reminds me of Paul Rudd always showing up on Conan with that Mac and Me clip.
Or Michael Clarke Duncan
Damn fool tried to give away our secret for spreading the “woke mind-virus”!
From what I recall, Drive Angry has one of those
FWIW, I let my 3 under 10's watch it last year. They thought it was okay but my 5yo still watches it pretty regularly. Aside from a little innuendo and a few bad words, it’s not too bad. I think they’re all young enough for most of that to go over their heads 🤷♀️
I just finished My Heart is a Chainsaw last week and now I see all these articles through Jade’s eyes and realize I’ve got a lot of catching up to do if I want to understand all her references :)
Unless you’re the governor or one of his lackeys
I have a FL 4th grader and they have 3 different teachers. FWIW, they probably would not have complained about watching this movie.
Office is the New Black?
There’s simply nothing funny about Stallone
Sheev is pretty evil, but no one is better at brining out the hate than Darth Slideshow
Man, back when I played the WEG SWRPG, she kicked my party’s collective ass on a regular basis. Much as I’d love to see her get a live action debut, in my headcanon she would absolutely crush Ahsoka and the New Republic :)